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VileDile Lock (Vileplume Krookodile) hgss-on


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-4 Krookodile
2-1-2 Vileplume
2-2 Slowking (slowpoke ud and non prime slowking)
2-2 Dodrio
/24 pokemon

8 fighting
4 dce
/12 energy

4 rare candy
4 communication
4 collector
3 judge
3 pont
3 elms
2 seeker (changed from juniper)
1 fsl
/24 t/s/s

deck is meant to lock up my opponents trainers/attacks/draw.
start with sandile and get vileplume up and going asap.
only using 2 different trainers but 4 of each for consistency to get vileplume up quick.
krookodile and krokorok can each lock an attack and do a bit of damage hopefully t2 or t3 im set up and locking an attack and trainers then cleaningup with krookoroll.
judge to clean out opponents hand and slowking to control what they draw into.
dodrio is here because my pokemon have pretty heavy retreat costs and im unable to play any trainers once vileplume is out.
it looks like a great lock deck to me and as long as i have krokorok up t2 i can start shutting down most decks.

anything you all can think of that would improve this deck either in concept or consistency would be great.
getting a 4th elms would be good for mid- to late-game set up...maybe take out a juniper?

I'd also suggest a lightning pokemon like zekrom to battle water types to counter since that would be krook's weakness, but then I thought of the only water pokemon that are anywhere on the radar to be played competitively, which are blastoise, feraligatr, samurott w/ ability and kingdra prime. all 4 of those have only one attack, so you just lock that and you're golden. the only water-type pokemon that has two attacks that could both do enough damage to scare you in KGL (kyogre & groudon legen) but that thing would need 4 turns (unless they have feraligatr set up too) to be able to use both attacks, and that's after the turns it would take to get the legend out (probably 3-4 turns) so after 7-8 turns, you'll have plenty of time to have the trainer lock up and start dictating the match.

I was looking for a deck to use krook in, and I like this one :)

P.S. why did you decide to use zoroark in this deck?
i might take your advice on the elms. ive been testing it and it sets up pretty quick. juniper did help a bit though so maybe ill test with both. as far as water goes, even if they get one ko off on krookodile i usually have at the minimum krokorok on my bench with an energy. so i can follow up and lock down that attack. and like you said the competitive water decks have 1 attack per pokemon. and most are heavy with retreat so cant bring up a new poke to attack (except for kingdra).
that being said, i think kingdra may be competitive this year and see a bit of play so maybe i will look at a lightning tech. was thinking maybe lanturn prime. and add 2 rainbow. then the rainbow could be used for slowking if need be aswell.
also, do you see anywhere i could fit 1 or 2 seekers? its not imperitive but just something i might look to test out.

also i dont have zoroark in my list anywhere, not sure if you meant "why didn't i decide to use zoroark in this deck?" and if thats the case, i didnt really find he suited what i was trying to do with the deck. kind of limited on space
take one pont/juniper/judge out for the seeker. otherwise idk what you could take out. or take out one PONT and one judge for two seeker. try these out if you are wanting seekers in
silenth said:
i might take your advice on the elms. ive been testing it and it sets up pretty quick. juniper did help a bit though so maybe ill test with both. as far as water goes, even if they get one ko off on krookodile i usually have at the minimum krokorok on my bench with an energy. so i can follow up and lock down that attack. and like you said the competitive water decks have 1 attack per pokemon. and most are heavy with retreat so cant bring up a new poke to attack (except for kingdra).
that being said, i think kingdra may be competitive this year and see a bit of play so maybe i will look at a lightning tech. was thinking maybe lanturn prime. and add 2 rainbow. then the rainbow could be used for slowking if need be aswell.
also, do you see anywhere i could fit 1 or 2 seekers? its not imperitive but just something i might look to test out.

also i don't have zoroark in my list anywhere, not sure if you meant "why didn't i decide to use zoroark in this deck?" and if thats the case, i didnt really find he suited what i was trying to do with the deck. kind of limited on space

lol dude I could've sworn I saw zoroark listed haha...oh well, probably got your list mixed up with someone else's (I blame the late hour haha) but yeah, glad you didn't add zoroark because it wouldn't make much sense :p

if you'd add a lightning tech then I'd go with a 1-0-1 ampharos prime. it works to add damage even on the bench and does a good job against water pokemon (either 160 damage or 80 with taking away an energy. and lives through blastoise' snipe) and works especially well against blastoise because there would be 20 damage done each turn, same as to reshiram.
Hmm, I will be running a similar deck untill black and white2 comes out. Then Im going to use Arctic bear but I like your idea!

Try taking out the junipers for another Pont and judge (or proff elms.) This way you dont have to discard anything that you might need.. but hey if juniper is working for you then good for you :)

you got alot of evolutionary lines, why do you have dodrio again? I mean sure he reduces your retreat cost but you have no way to heal your pokemon even if he does retreat! But if you can fit in a seekers like the above posters mentioned.. that would help alot
yeah dodrio is always nice for that retreat especially if you didn't start with sandile, but even though you could probably live with sacrificing a pokemon. I'd probably take out the 2-2 dodrio and put in 4 smeargle instead. trying to think of another pokemon (a basic tech probably) that could help from the start or to stall later.
yay lots of help!
@sleeping snorlax: i think ill try taking out 1 juniper for a seeker like you suggest. do you think 1 is enough or should i look to get 2 in for both juniper?
@ghost bear: ill look at ampharos but not sure ill play it. means i need it set up be for i get my vileplume up and that doesnt really work for me as thats priority one. but im willing to test. thoughts on what i should take out for those two cards?
also i like having dodrio for the reason you say. if i dont start with sandile i dont really want to blow energy on retreat and he can attack for a dce. have actually had him KO a couple pokemon while i set up my lock (just got lucky flips but thats all part of the game right?) all of my pokemon are required for this deck to really succeed. so the only thing i can really afford to sacrifice is a sandile which is my preferred start anyways or a dodou/drio. i orriginally had stantler as my starter but decided agaisnt it for the dodrio.
@pokephenom: dude! do you read my diary? J/k :) definately had the same idea for bw2. anyways, i could probably do without the juniper as i may use it once in a game to clean out useless rare candy or poke communication. but im thinking of dropping them for seekers to pick up dmged krooks.

@everyone reading: thoughts on electric techs. have one suggestion from Ghost bear to put in ampharos prime and ive thought about using lanturn prime. And whatever tech i do add (if i add one to this tight list) what should i take out? i really only need 2 slots for the poke and ill switch 2 fighting for 2 rainbow. 1-1 dodrio? tss? a krookodile/rarecandy?
thanks for all the comments and help guys. list is updated from current suggestions
duh yeah vileplume would be necessary to have out before ampharos, which ruins the 1-0-1 idea (shame cuz 2 slots isn't too hard to fit in, but this deck would be better without a 1-1-1 line...I think 2 full stage 2 lines should be about the maximum for a deck unless you have lots of stallers, especially with trainer lock)

soooo yeah, lanturn prime would definitely be your best bet. 1-1 line. you could take out a judge and fsl. then switch 2 fighting for 2 rainbow.

but honestly, with the water types out there after rotation, you probably won't need a lightning pokemon....like stated earlier, krook will stop the only few powerful water types from using their one and only attack lol.

and I agree, with dodrio, seekers are ideal.
For sure, seekers is a must!

Silenth! I think its cool that your thinking out side of the box and such (I tryed to do a steelix deck.. reshiboar owned me xD) So then I went back to my reshiboar deck..
But I do like the idea of having a lock deck and I think that it can be very competitive! Esspeacly (Sorry cant spell that word..) when beartic comes out because hes a 1-1 line! Leaving more space for techs and what not :D
PokePhenom, maybe not the place for this but what else were you thinking of running with beartic?
My BearTrap deck is bassically the same list as this but i cant think of how to get around scizor prime. right now ive got crobat prime but ive thought about using reshiram and a few fire energy.
IMO Scizor prime really isnt going to be big in this format (Witht he rise of reshiboar variants) So Im not too worried. but if I do go against a scizor prime I would probably attach all water energys to beartic instead then it would just be who can wait the longest..
*bump* I've discovered through testing that this deck does alright once set up but if a game runs long it can be troublesome. ive had some trouble with machamp variants as well as kingdra/mandibuzz. any thoughts on how to deal with these decks better?
Honestly, I'm not sure how much this suggestion will help, but if you have a chance, try it out.

-1-1-1 Krookodile
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Pokemon Communication
-1 Pokemon Collector
-8 Fighting Energy

+2-1/1 Slowbro HGSS/Slowking Prime UD
+2 Black Belt
+4 Rainbow Energy OR +2/2 Psychic/Fighting Energy
+4 Psychic

Now let me 'splain. Slowbro HGSS splashes very well in this deck if you go the psychic route and helps strengthen the early game against Donphan as well as help your Slowking OHKO a Machamp (they'll most likely get at least one KO with it) with a Black Belt. Also, at least with Slowbro, you have the potential to further increase its strength with more psychic energy. It may be risky, but at least you'll have that option.

Hope that helps or at least opens some possibilities for ya!
ill try out those changes, i think id have to leave in a couple fighting though. but ill try with the 4 psychic and 2 rainbow. adds a little drawpower as well with slowking prime. im a little worried though that it will hurt consistency with locking down attacks. havent had much trouble in my donphan testing yet, and i know i have the base already to support slowking prime with a couple psychic. what i might try out is 2 slowking prime instead of the one slowbro. then i can keep a few more fighting. im just worried that slowking is going to get me one kill and only if i have the black belt/ behind in prizes. otherwise hes a sitting duck agains champ. but thanks a lot for the help aaron, you've addressed my most pressing issue. any other help out there? thoughts on somehitng that might work well agains both machamp and kingdra/mandibuzz?
Id say minus 1-1 line of dodrio and + 2 smeargle for faster set up and just overall better than starting with doduo and nothing else
thats not my biggest worry right now. but thank you for the input. i will test it out and see how i like it. any other thoughts?
Im just gonna play with beartic because my league is cool with it and that way I get more experience playing my actaul deck!
Mhmm.. Not really. I mean its a good card but.. Its slower and it doesnt do as much damage and you can only block out ONE attack. and it has the baddest weakness out of the two.

The only advantage is its hp (It has 140 and beartic has 130 which is amazing for a stage 1!!)

So yeah just play beartic but I commend you for this idea.