4-3-4 Krookodile
2-1-2 Vileplume
2-2 Slowking (slowpoke ud and non prime slowking)
2-2 Dodrio
/24 pokemon
8 fighting
4 dce
/12 energy
4 rare candy
4 communication
4 collector
3 judge
3 pont
3 elms
2 seeker (changed from juniper)
1 fsl
/24 t/s/s
deck is meant to lock up my opponents trainers/attacks/draw.
start with sandile and get vileplume up and going asap.
only using 2 different trainers but 4 of each for consistency to get vileplume up quick.
krookodile and krokorok can each lock an attack and do a bit of damage hopefully t2 or t3 im set up and locking an attack and trainers then cleaningup with krookoroll.
judge to clean out opponents hand and slowking to control what they draw into.
dodrio is here because my pokemon have pretty heavy retreat costs and im unable to play any trainers once vileplume is out.
it looks like a great lock deck to me and as long as i have krokorok up t2 i can start shutting down most decks.
anything you all can think of that would improve this deck either in concept or consistency would be great.
2-1-2 Vileplume
2-2 Slowking (slowpoke ud and non prime slowking)
2-2 Dodrio
/24 pokemon
8 fighting
4 dce
/12 energy
4 rare candy
4 communication
4 collector
3 judge
3 pont
3 elms
2 seeker (changed from juniper)
1 fsl
/24 t/s/s
deck is meant to lock up my opponents trainers/attacks/draw.
start with sandile and get vileplume up and going asap.
only using 2 different trainers but 4 of each for consistency to get vileplume up quick.
krookodile and krokorok can each lock an attack and do a bit of damage hopefully t2 or t3 im set up and locking an attack and trainers then cleaningup with krookoroll.
judge to clean out opponents hand and slowking to control what they draw into.
dodrio is here because my pokemon have pretty heavy retreat costs and im unable to play any trainers once vileplume is out.
it looks like a great lock deck to me and as long as i have krokorok up t2 i can start shutting down most decks.
anything you all can think of that would improve this deck either in concept or consistency would be great.