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Vilegar 2.0 - WI Regionals


Aspiring Trainer
Hey everybody, I posted my old Vilegar build a while ago and it got quite a bit of discussion, which I'm glad about. I made top cut with my old, worse one, but here's my current Vilegar list that I am planning on running at Regionals at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells. Hope you guys can give me as much feedback as you did last time!​


4-3-3-1 Gengar (SF, SF, 2 SF 1 PL)
2-2-2 Vileplume (LA, LA, UD)
4 Spiritomb
2-1 Uxie Lv. X
1-1 Mewtwo Lv. X
1 Crobat G
1 Smeargle
2 Unown Q

Total: 29


1 Looker's
1 Palmer's
2 Twins
2 Seeker
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Bebe's
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Rare Candy

Total: 21


8 Psychic
2 Rescue

Total: 10

Strategy: Start with either Spiritomb or Gastly to ensure that I get a trainer lock T1. If I'm lucky, Candy into a Vileplume T2, and play BTS, then get Gengar active. Play an Unown Q on Spiritomb for free retreat. Smeargle is there for a late game tech for a needed Supporter, or a last resort in a bad setup, for a search card. Mewtwo Lv. X is a counter to SP decks, and Gengar PL is used for a attack and switch back to Mewtwo X in this situation, or possibly back to Spiritomb if I need a quick hit. Strategy is simple, and well designed. If DGX comes up, then I pull out Mewtwo Lv. X, and burn the opponent until DGX is dead.

Please don't give any outlandish or far-fetched fixes/suggestions. I'm hoping to make top cut with this because it seems fairly fool-proof at this point. I don't mind if anyone uses this list as reference to building their decks, as long as it is not copied card-for-card. Please discuss my list and if there are any fixes that need to be made before Regionals on Saturday, let me know! Thanks very much.
RE: Vilegar 2.0 - Seniors - WI Regionals

Hey Reed the list looks pretty solid except that u shud run a 2-1 mewtwo line so if u attach a rescue sp can never knock it out, id take out a cyrus conspiracy for that.
RE: Vilegar 2.0 - Seniors - WI Regionals

Okay, good point, edited the list.
EDIT: Took out Copycat instead, I like 4 Cyrus consistency.
RE: Vilegar 2.0 - Seniors - WI Regionals

Why do you need the 4 Cyrus's? Is it to get the Energy you need? Besides that, the list seems very solid and good. Good luck bro!
RE: Vilegar 2.0 - Seniors - WI Regionals

Yeah, for energy, and for picking up Supporters that I may need in the future. I never Cyrus chain, but I do like the consistency. Thanks, this Regs is gonna be hot, dude.
Ya it is we got some highly skilled players going and a majority of the highly skilled seniors are us, lol. BTW the cyrus idea isn't half bad but don't you need Call Energy?
Possibly. I have about 5 off hand, and I might put in a couple. I don't know if I will, but we will see.
EDIT: I was playtesting with my friend, and 1-1 Mewtwo is all that is required because it won't be in play if there are no basics and shouldn't ever get knocked out against SP.
Err, if you're running 3 haunter, run 2 TM 1 SF. The free retreat will help you a lot. Also, you almost always want to run 2 SF gengars, and 1 Prime. The prime will help a lot more then the PL one. Also, you should be running at least 2-1 mewtwo line, because once someone see's a mewtwo on bench, they'll go and snipe it right away, making it useless.
I did the Haunter change, and I don't have the Prime. Also I only have 1 Mewtwo ATM.
Ironic, your sig and avatar are both the best counters to your deck.
-1 Cyrus
+1 Mr.Mime CoL.
So you know which attack you need to choose.
And i dont think you need to have maxed out Cyrus.
I assume you're using Crobat G to snipe pixie's with shadow room for quick prize?
Yup, however, I also have a Dialgachomp made ^_^ lol
I would love a Mr. Mime CoL but unfortunately I don't have one :( I may trade for one before Regs tomorrow though. And yes, Crobat G is for quick snipes.
Hey, your deck looks pretty solid and I looked at your old post. I might try using that espeon thing in my deck. So thank you for the idea. good luck at regionals.
No problem, and thanks. Good luck to you too, if you're going to WI, maybe we'll face each other :)
Oh, that's too bad. Otherwise I would have gotten to see you play. Good luck though, Espeon is a situational tech, but can really work out.