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Vilemegatar reborn! XD

The Pikachu Mafia

HTL is the Flippy Beam of Doom.
Hi guys by now everyone should know how well vileplume varients might do in this format dominated by the likes of catcher, switch etc and we all also know that after worlds google showed everyone how great Vileplume and Rueniclus does well. I decided that the best way to go this season is to run a vileplume deck but not run it the expected way so I come with vilemegatar.

3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Yanmega prime
3-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Zoroark BW
2x Pichu HGSS

3x Collector
4x rare candy
3x Judge
4x Copycat
2x Communication
2x FSL
2x Twins

Energy 12
4x special dark
4x dce
4x dark


I want to get one or two tyranitar on the bench before shutting my opponent down with vileplume. hopefully my deck is fast enough to do this by T3 at the latest. Tyranitar will be using his second and 3rd attack most of the time and if necessary he can hit for 140 damage which is a OHKO to most f the meta game. Yanmega is to protect T-tar and dispose of donphan, Zoroark is my mirror guy for easy KO's. Pichu is better than cleffa for setup IMO because a quick pichu playground will fill my bench so I can just focus on evolving next turn not getting more basics out and I ran a light trainer line so I wouldn't lock myself, the low energy count is because I don't need too many of them.


-This deck will throw people off since they will expect Reuniclus or Beartic with Vileplume instead

-Tyranitar can OHKO pesky Gothitelle, Dragons, Donphan, (although donphan causes problems back) Zoroark, Beartic, Magnezone, and Yanmega while none of them can OHKO me back (except Donphan and Magnezone)

-This deck can win against most of the top tier decks if played right


-This deck is slow, very slow two stage 2 pokemon just can't be fast

-while this deck can beat most other lock variants beartic will give me some trouble because of tyranitar's high retreat cost

-If I'm reckless yanmega will destroy Vileplume

so what do you think? I need help with this list so please help me :3

Thanks in advance!! XD
Good to see you're still running this.

For those who don't know, the rationale for this deck is that Tyranitar can't survive in this format by himself because of two cards: Catcher and Donphan. Catcher is especially dangerous to Tyranitar because he is a stage 2 and not a bench sitter who requires no energy (such as ninetales, typhlosion, and Reuniclus); he requires multiple turns to get out and attach enough energy to. It's too easy for a Zekrom or Donphan or Yanmega or really anything to simply catcher up an unprepared Pupitar and knock it out before it's finished the transformation. Some would suggest that Tyranitar be used conventionally in a spread deck so that the set up would be faster (darkness howl only costs one energy). However, Donphan is an even bigger problem here; he takes no damage from darkness howl and deals 120 back. So, Tyranitar uses his second and third attacks (the heavy damage ones) to deal out punishment in this deck. To fix the catcher problem, Vileplume is employed to block this, in my opinion, cheap card and to slow down other decks which would quickly over-run this one. To deal with Donphan, Yanmega is used to either fight off Donphan (while T-tar is preparing for battle on the bench) or to snipe Donphan's unhappy peers on the bench who are taking damage while the silly elephant stomps the ground, attempting to kill an insect. Besides helping against Donphan, Yanmega is a general stall Pokemon who requires no energy to deal damage. Thus Tyranitar can take his hefty share of energy while his partner is dealing damage up front. In this way, Yanmega's function in the Vilemegatar deck is similar to its function in Megazone (Magnezone is also an energy hog).

I've been testing my (very similar) variant of this online. I'm finding that a 1-1 (thinking about 2-2) line of Sunflora is also very helpful in this deck. Here's my list currently.

3-2-3 T-tar prime (both Pupitars boot gas, one of the larvitars is the 60 hp one to make Kingmega work for it)
3-3 Yanmega
2-1-2 Vileplume
1-1 Zoroark
1-1 Sunflora
1 Cleffa

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Elm
3 Judge
4 Copycat
3 Rare candy
2 Communication
3 Twins

Energy: 12 (same as yours)

I'm finding that snipe decks give us a lot of problems. Yanmega (as you noted) is especially dangerous and even more so with Jirachi (deal 40 damage to plume, devolve to oddish if you used rare candy, ko), if your opponent is set on breaking the lock. As for other decks, Reshiphlosion only gives you trouble if they can set up before you can. Getting out Vileplume quickly is essential in this case; I often will set up my lock before I get my first Tyranitar out. This makes it somewhat more difficult for me to set up, but it crushes them, assuming they don't already have nine-tales up. If they do, make ninetales Yanmega's first sniping target. This deck actually does pretty well against Magnezone because its Magnetic draw power stops working once their hand is filled with trainers. I haven't had the pleasure of playing a Bearctic deck yet, but I hope I run into one soon. If you see them setting up a bear, concentrate on Yanmegas and your Zoroark. They are the best counters to Bearctic at the moment. Against Gothitelle/Reuniclus, I think this deck does very well. I've played a couple and have found T-tar to be the perfect match-up, since he can get the extra 10 damage to one-shot Gothitelle without pluspower. Yanmega can also take cheap prizes off of benched Solosis. This deck seems to have some trouble against stage-one rush decks, since they don't have any stage two's and have a slightly easier task of setting up than other decks with stage 2's would. I think Zekrom/Tornados is the hardest match-up, though. It's just so fast and does so well against Yanmega, that T-tar doesn't really have time to set up.

As for your deck, I really like it, but I just don't know about Pichu. If your opponent doesn't draw a Collector, trainer lock can make it really difficult for them to set up their basics. Pichu helps decks which need multiple bench-sitters (aka Reshiphlosion) way too much, in my opinion. I would try the Sunflora line and see what you think and add a Collector. Also, I take it that your higher Oddish count reflects your fear of Yanmega sniping one before it can evolve. Has it been helpful? Also, have the flower shop ladies been helpful? I'm considering them, seeing as I have two 1-1 lines and I don't want T-tar to destroy them with Megaton.
thanks for your input ^^

ok so getting down to it if I'm correct sunflora helps me draw those friendly grass types (vileplume and yanmega) right? I might test this as for pichu I was thinking about trying to get and easy vilepluem/tyranitar up but yeah collector will do the job better :p I picked 3-2-2 Vileplume because well yeah I fear other yanmega but if I have 2-3 oddish on the bench chances are yanmega can't possibly KO all of them right? also I choose FSL because after tyranitar uses a few megaton tail I'll have a few pokes/energies discarded and FSL could get them back and keep me from deck out :/ so I think that maybe this list would be better what do you think?:

3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Yanmega prime
3-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Zoroark BW
1x cleffa HGSS

4x Collector
4x rare candy
3x Judge
4x Copycat
2x Communication
2x FSL
2x Twins

Energy 12
4x special dark
4x dce
4x dark

yeah I'm not so sure I want to test Sunflora just yet because it's yet another evolution line :/ I think it's really kind of funny how we both came up with the same idea though :p lol
I'd make the change of

-1 Flower Shop Lady (I don't see the need for 2 of these in a game. If you need it that badly that you have to have it at a certain point, swap one for a Pokegear)
+1 Twins

Say you go second. You start great, Cleffa active, Collector for 2 Oddish and a Larvitar. Your opponent gets a Yanmega out and Linear Attacks an Oddish. If you don't have a Twins or another way to Rare Candy+Vileplume, you're pretty much done because at this point, they can Linear Attack Oddish, then Catcher up your Larvitar and leave you with nothing within 3 turns. Twins is vital to a deck like this.
ESP said:
I'd make the change of

-1 Flower Shop Lady (I don't see the need for 2 of these in a game. If you need it that badly that you have to have it at a certain point, swap one for a Pokegear)
+1 Twins

Say you go second. You start great, Cleffa active, Collector for 2 Oddish and a Larvitar. Your opponent gets a Yanmega out and Linear Attacks an Oddish. If you don't have a Twins or another way to Rare Candy+Vileplume, you're pretty much done because at this point, they can Linear Attack Oddish, then Catcher up your Larvitar and leave you with nothing within 3 turns. Twins is vital to a deck like this.

very good point :p lol yeah I only did two FSL for consistency so yeah I guess I can drop it :) thanks

so here's my new list xD:

3-3-3 Tyranitar Prime
2-2 Yanmega prime
3-2-2 Vileplume UD
1-1 Zoroark BW
1x cleffa HGSS

4x Collector
4x rare candy
3x Judge
4x Copycat
2x Communication
1x FSL
3x Twins

Energy 12
4x special dark
4x dce
4x dark

so what does everyone think?
Tropical beach is good for decks with multiple stage 2's. I would run one, but be warned, thery're expensive!
-1 FSL
+1 Tropical beach
hmm interesting yes you are right TB is good.... but yeah they sell for about $75 (why did I miss out at worlds this year ;_;) I might tes one in a proxy deck but unless it's really really good I wont put it in my real deck (yet)