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Vilepluff (Vileplume/Jumpluff) Master States


4-4-4 Jumpluff
2-2-2 Vileplume
2 Uxie
2-2 Sunflora
1 Unown Q
1 Regice LA

4 Communication
3 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
4 Collector
3 Bebe's
3 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Palmer's

8 Grass
2 Warp

Strategy: Use Sunflora as well as your trainers early to swarm Jumpluffs and set up a Vileplume, then trainer lock while hitting for at least 70 a turn. Not too much to talk about here, I don't think I'll see too much updates with Call of Legends. Thanks for help in advance! c:
Thanks for the suggestions. I thought about Azelf, but decided against it since my thick main Pokemon lines make it unnecessary. Uxie X is something that I just don't want to buy, but Smeargle is something I would definitely consider adding if I can find the space. Any suggestions there?
I wanted Regice to force Spiritomb out of the active early game because this deck needs the T1/2 trainers to have a consistent setup. It can also help to pick a cheap KO or two against SP if I really need it.