Ruling Vileplume from Revived Legends


Aspiring Trainer
Hi i have a question and i hope somebody can help me

well reading the last spoilers from Revived Legends i took interest in a new Vileplume that appears there, however his effect confuses me a little since im new to this gameplay format, the text reads as the following from the spoiler:

Vileplume - Grass - HP 120
Stage 2 - Evolves from Gloom
Poke-Body: Allergy Flower
Neither player can play any Goods cards from his or her hand.
[G][G][C] Dazzle Pollen: 50 damage. Flip a coin, if heads this attack does an additional 20 damage. If tails, the opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Confused.
Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

ok now, since "goods" in the japanese gameplay are translated to "trainers" for american gameplay i want to know:

Vileplume effect can negate the activations of any trainer card (including supporters and stadiums) or only negates cards labelled has "trainer - trainer"?

i have the question since old cards are labelled for example as "trainer - supporter", "trainer - stadium" or "trainer - trainer" but now in the new sets many say "supporter - supporter", not trainer mention in them

so since they say "supporter - supporter" for example, they escape from Vileplume effect and can be activated? same for stadiums?

and finally, a last question, if cards labelled as "supporter - supporter" can escape from Vileplume effect, they can escape too from the effect "Mind Games" of the Slowking from the old set Neo Genesis??

thanks for reading, im sorry for so much text and some writing mistakes, using the search engine helped me a little but a more clear and direct answer is very appretiated.

thanks dragonexpert, but something is still not clear to me and i cant reply the thread so i put my question here, im sorry for the confusion, you said that

It doesn't negate any trainers that are in play. It only blocks new trainers from being played.

well i understand that but returning to my original question "Vileplume effect blocks new trainers from being played (including supporters and stadiums) or only negates cards labelled has "trainer - trainer"?

thanks again
It doesn't negate any trainers that are in play. It only blocks new trainers from being played.
The old cards that aren't divided as supporter are affected by Vileplume's Poke-Body. They are not able to be played.
The new cards do not escape from Slowking Neo Genesis because all old cards before trainers were subdivided are stopped.~Mark
edit:It only blocks cards labelled as trainers from being played. Cards that say supporter or stadium are unaffected.~Mark
Basically, it does the following?

Does it block trainers? Yes
Does it block tools? Yes; they are a subclass of trainer. It does not stop powers such as Unown G, as you are not actually playing a trainer card from your hand.
Does it block technical machines? Yes (same reason as tools)
Does it block Supporters? No
Does it block Stadiums? No

The old Slowking blocks all of those things, however; the card was created when there were not subdivisions of trainers. If a card DP or onward refers to Trainers, it refers to trainers only. Those before DP that say they prevent trainers will prevent all classes, as Supporter/Stadium were subdivisions of trainers then.