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Vileplume ft idk yet (Cities,Master)


Bubble Tea and Matcha Ice Cream
Just came up with a deck idea looking at vileplume cards xD never tested and dunno if it works but its a cool simple deck that seems fun and has potential.

2-2-2 Vileplume UD (oddish LA 112 and gloom LA 97)
2-2-2 Vileplume LA (oddish LA 112 and gloom LA 97)
4 Spiritombs AR
2-2 Muk UD
2-1 Uxie lv x

4 Expert Belts
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Judge
4 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Copycat
2 Broken Time Space
2 Interviewer's Question
1 Luxury Ball

4 Rainbow Energy
6 Psychic Energy

thinking of adding unown q idk...
STRATEGY: Hopefully you get a spiritomb start for an early trainer lock and use him to set up your vileplumes. Vileplume UD for the trainer lock from the bench and Vileplume LA to attack. Use Vileplume's power to put special conditions on the opponent and attack for 80 with 1 psychic and 1 DCE with expert belt to potentially trainer,supporter and stadium lock the opponent for a turn. Muk is a secondary attacker that can hit for 100 with expert belt if the opponent has a special condition which will most of the time be the case. Rainbow energy is to activate both of vileplumes poke power.

Thinking of replacing the Muk line for a 1-1-1 or 2-2-2 line of Nidoqueen RR for healing and attacking but my deck would be much slower...
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

-4 expert belts (ideally you'll be trainer locked all game)

+2 warp energy (gets UD vileplume out of the active spot)
+2 rare candy (in case you don't get the spiritomb lock)
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

but isnt expert belt a tool? if it doesnt work then the deck isnt as good T.T
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

expert belt is a tool but is still considered a trainer. if you want to hit for special conditions consider playing leafeon from UD with vileplume leafeon really wouldnt need e belts.
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

yeah good idea but not really a rogue idea lol :p! But I love leafeon but the problem is that he kinda needs some trainers to work well... like energy exchange unit is a must to get those rainbow energies out quickly but other then that it could work well, sight it could be even better then what I made up!
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

question: should I use only 1 vileplume UD and 3 LA or keep it as it is... cuz I dont really need 2 vileplume UD, its jsut to prevent prize problem but it also prevents me from a thir vileplume to take over.
question2: what could work better with the 2 vileplumes instead of muk cuz hes soo uggly...^^ ?? thought about ursaring prime, leafeon ud...
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

I dont see how ursaring prime would work with plume and Muk doesn't seem to combo as well as leafeon would with LA plume. Muk's attack takes at least two turns to work and you'll have to be attaching to vilplume at the same time as well. You can still run the psychic energy with leafeon as well since his main attack is colorless but the main reason you should play leafeon over muk is the X card, (I know it's pretty hard to get a hold of but you should be able to buy one for 20-25 bucks tho) his power lets you attach to both plume and leafeon on the same turn and after you've used up all your attachments or just don't have the ability to attach one at the moment leafeon X's attack verdant dance is pretty good which dose 30+ 10 for each energy to all your pokemon and you should a have a decent amount of energy attached from energy forcing. Sunflora from HGSS would make your deck twice as consistent. Since it would be better to just attack with leafeon you could cut the plume line to 3-3-3 (2 LA 1 UD) and add some more consistency.

So maybe
-1-1-1 plume
+2 BTS (works great with sunflora you can play down stage 1 and 2 Pokémon with out fear of being sniped and makes your recovery almost instant.)
+1 PONT (more draw ability is always better)

- 2-2 muck
+ 2-2 sunflora (makes getting out pokemon super easy)

-4 Expert belt
+4 4-3-1 Leafeon UD/X (two MD and RR eevee seems like the the best play thats up to you though.)

-2 psychic energy
-2 judge (might back fire one you since you don't have too much draw)
+4 grass energy

you also might want to change the DCE to call/more energy/more consistency since your main attacker doesn't use them and you have energy forcing from leafy X.

You also need some sort of recovery card
+2 palmers
-2 something maybe a bebe's and a luxury ball if you add sunflora.

You'll probably also want to run azelf since leafeon X is pretty important to your decks strategy.

Hope this helps I've never really run or seen this deck played but it seems to have potential let me know what you think and if you play test it at all how it goes.
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

I dunno if I'd take out all of the Muk. This is a nice tech, and Sludge Drag is a great attack. However, I'm going to have to agree with Radical's advice on the Sunflora. This will speed up your game tremendously.

-4 Expert Belt PA (Yup, it's a Trainer.)
-1 Luxury Ball SF (Well, that's a Trainer too and you won't have the opportunity to play it.)
-1 Interviewer's Questions UL (Lacks consistency.)
-1-1 Muk UD (Pester is only when you really need it, but we're only going for Sludge Drag. We can use better Pokemon.)
+1 Unown Q MD (If you get something you don't need as the starting Pokemon.)
+2-2 Sunflora GS (Speed + Consistency = Good Deck.)
+1 Palmer's Contribution SV (When your Pokemon get KO'd...I'm not sure why you didn't have this.)
+2 Broken Time-Space PT (Up consistency.)

Description for help is in the parentheses. Good luck! I like the rogueness of this deck. :]
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

hehe thx guys ^^ Yah well I did have the leafeon lv x I bought it for 10$ mint in a card store back when everyone thought the rotation would be PL-on so yah after that I trade it for 2 crobat primes that were 16$ each... so i kinda save like 22$ back then but now I kinda regret it with this deck idea lol o_O uhmm ill definatly use your advices for the trainer line thx. Now just need to see if I can get back a new leafeon lv x and I will definatly build this deck. How much for the vileplumes LA and UD usually?? Aight I will add the 2-2 sunflora line but what about the plume lines?? how should I change it?
RE: Vileplume ft Muk (Cities,Master)

Here are my new lists...

1st deck idea

4-4-4 Vileplume (2LA 2UD) (Gloom LA 96) (Oddish LA 111)
4 Spiritomb AR
2-2-1 Leafeon UD Lvx (2 Eevee UD 1)
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q

4 Bebe's Search
3 Broken Time-Space
3 Copycat
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Interviewer's Question
1 Palmer's Contribution
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak's New Theory

3 or 4 Rainbow Energy
3 Grass Energy
3 Psychic Energy
2 or 3 DCE or Warp Energy

Kinda need help for my energies
Strategy is to trainer lock as soon as possible using Vileplume and Spiritomb (also help setting up). Vileplume LA and Leafeon UD are the main attackers but leafeon will be the heavier hitter. Attach a rainbow on Vileplume UD to activate his power to asleep and poison the opponent and attack with Leafeon. Vileplume LA can also attack for 60 and if u flip heads you lock the trainers,supporters and stadium during your opponents next turn. Sunflora is for consistency and Uxie for draw power. Unown Q for retreating. Leafeon Lv X is for extra HP and to attach an extra energy during turns so its easier to perform the combo leafeon vileplume.

2nd Deck Idea

4-4-4 Vileplume (2LA 2UD) (Gloom LA 96) (Oddish LA 111)
4 Spiritomb AR
2-2 Muk US
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q

4 Bebe's Search
4 Broken Time-Space
3 Copycat
2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Interviewer's Question
1 Palmer's Contribution
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak's New Theory

3 or 4 Rainbow Energy
6 Psychic Energy
2 or 3 DCE or Warp Energy

Strategy is almost the same. Trainer lock as soon as possible and hit with Vileplume LA and Muk to disrupt with his first attack or hit hard with his second attack combined with Vileplume's power. This deck is cheaper in price and is more rogue ^^ But it just seems to miss a little something but idk what...I was thinking about something that would add retreat cost on the opponent to spam Muk's first attack when needed. If I could use an expert belt with Muk it would be godly lol ^^

3rd deck idea (really like this one)

4-4-4 Vileplume (2LA 2UD) (Gloom LA 96) (Oddish LA 111)
4 Spiritomb AR
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q
SHAYMIN LINE OPTIONS (dunno what would be better but i'm more leaning towards option 2):
Option 1: 2 Shaymin PL 14 - 1 Shaymin LvX 126 - 1 Shaymin lvX 127
Option 2: 3 Shaymin PL 14 - 1 Shaymin LvX 126
Option 3: 3 Shaymin PL 14 - 1 Shaymin LvX 127
27 pokemons

4 Bebe's Search
3 Broken Time-Space
3 Copycat
3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Interviewer's Question
1 Palmer's Contribution
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak's New Theory

5 Psychic Energy
7 Grass Energy

Strategy is to lock as soon as possible like usual. Now the shaymin lvx adds +40HP to all my grass pokemons which is a huge freakin boost. Idea is to attach an energy on Vileplume LA to activate his power and attack with shaymin for 80. When my Vileplume LA has 3 energies attached and Shaymin Lvx is boosting me up, I send in Vileplume LA to attack and keep on adding special conditions with his power and lock supporters, trainers and stadiums if I flip heads. I am currently considering adding Dawn stadium to heal for more tanking or add Snowpoint temple for the extra Hp for my shaymins.

If I choose Option 1 or 3 for the Shaymin line, the strategy is the same except that I can attack with Shaymin LvX 127 and possibly hit for 60 more dmg if one of my grass pokemon died last turn and the fact that he has free retreat is cool.
