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vileplume/vaniluxxe/victini with Mew engine

What deck should I play for cities?

  • Total voters


Aspiring Trainer
4-4-4 Vaniluxxe
2 Victini (victory star)
3-1-2 Vileplume
4 Mew

4 Pokemon collector
4 Pokemon communication
3 rare candy
3 Sage's training
2 Seeker
1 Fisherman
2 Twins

4 {P}
7 {W}
2 rainbow
Strategy: See off vaniluxxe while setting up vileplume and victini on the bench. Spam double freeze paralysis to keep the opponent out of the game. Cryogonal is for Donphan and muk is an emergency psuedo dragger. I can't decide whether to play this or durant mill for cities. Thanks
Personally, I would take out atleast 1 psychic energy and one water for 2 rainbow. Iwould also take out Fisherman or FSL. You usually don't need both. Then add in a PONT, Judge, or something like that. Hope I helped.
Evolite should be used in this deck. Almost all of your pokes are basics and it allows mew to survive early game easily.
ogeray said:
not if you can attach some to your mews early on before you set up vileplume.
It'd be too hard and too much of a hassle. Besides, eviolite won't do much to help a 60 hp pokemon.