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Future beast of the Pokémon TCG
Name: Viletomb



Vileplume 2-2-2(UD)
Gengar 3-3-3-1 SF
Azelf 1
Uxie 2
Spiritomb 4
Blaziken FB 1-1
Ditto LA 1


4 : Cyrus's Conspiracy, PL-105
4 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
2 : Looker's Investigation, PL-109
1 : Palmer's Contribution, SV-139
3 : Copycat, GS-90
3 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97
4 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104
1 : Professor Oaks New Theory
1 : Energy Gain

Special Energy: 4
1 : Rainbow
1: DCE
2 : Warp Energy, SF-95
Basic Energy: 6
5 : Psychic Energy, DP-127
1 : Fire

Trainer lock with spiritomb,gastly, and vileplume. Use the built up trainers to poltergeist to land massive damage and drop crobats and shadow room to OTK Uxies.
I've been messing with the support lines and have decide that cyrus works with this deck best seeing as how I can get any Supporter out that I need plus, get one of my basic energies.

I play Blaziken FB to help with mirror matching being able to OHKO opposing Vileplumes and drag up Dialga G's and anything else benched to get an easy prize off.

Ditto LA is mainly to keep the trainer lock going if they pull up Dialga G. I can use deafen lock on them with ditto until I can knock out Dialga. Also I can snipe or OHKO Garachomp C or use impersonate when my opponent has sableye start.
- 1 Crobat G
+ 1 Pokemon Collector

Without PokeTurns, Crobat isn't so great. Take out one for more good start, and put another Collector for consistency.
Bye ^^
Yeah I want to be able to OTKO Uxies but, the crobats ruin the consistency. Any ideas on that would be helpful.
-1 Crobat G
+1 Chatot [MD] OR Unown Q

Chatot is just a personal fav in almost any deck. I know this type of deck loves to hand refresh, so it might help :p

Or you can put in an Unown Q in case you need to retreat Uxie/Spiritomb, without having to waste a warp energy.