I have been playing VirGen since the day Plasma Blast came out and love the deck in every way. However as more quality Pokemon with immunity to some of the deck (ex: Pyroar). came out combined with the upcoming rotation (that hit today) I needed to modify my VirGen deck.
I am far from a good player but do play very frequently and did not find the other known versions to my liking. Raichu is decent but I found myself fusing him very rarely. Other versions such as the WC deck still felt off to me.
Just last night I created a deck around Toxicroak with VirGen. I don't think a huge amount of the other stadiums really fit this deck with Skyarrow gone, and VirGen as a deck is largely immune to poison so Virbank does not harm you.
I have several hundred games played with VirGen decks, and right away this felt like a major upgrade when I tried it last night. I no longer feared Pyroar in any way. I was tearing down EX's in quick fashion. Virbank + Toxi is 100 damage per full turn it is allowed to stay, and when combined with the 100 dmg Genesect can kill any non M-EX.
I am curious what modifications you would do to this deck? I know my trainers are likely a mess, getting the right balance of them has never been my strong suit. I am also very unsure of the Mewtwo EX, and think it could go for another trainer/toxicroack?
I know maybe this isn't the best deck ever, but I think it's worth pursuing for me, and would love some good input! I played 40~ games so far with a 60% winrate on PTCGO but want to really fine tune this beast!
Thank you all for your time!
4x Virizion EX
3x Genesect EX
3 Toxicroak EX
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Hypnotic Laser
1 Professor's Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
3 Switch
4 Ultra Ball
2 Skyla
1 Lysandre
4 N
4 Professor Sycamore
3 Virbank City Gym
2 Shadow Triad
2 Colress
1 G-Booster
3 Double Colorless Energy
3 Plasma Energy
9 Grass Energy
I have been playing VirGen since the day Plasma Blast came out and love the deck in every way. However as more quality Pokemon with immunity to some of the deck (ex: Pyroar). came out combined with the upcoming rotation (that hit today) I needed to modify my VirGen deck.
I am far from a good player but do play very frequently and did not find the other known versions to my liking. Raichu is decent but I found myself fusing him very rarely. Other versions such as the WC deck still felt off to me.
Just last night I created a deck around Toxicroak with VirGen. I don't think a huge amount of the other stadiums really fit this deck with Skyarrow gone, and VirGen as a deck is largely immune to poison so Virbank does not harm you.
I have several hundred games played with VirGen decks, and right away this felt like a major upgrade when I tried it last night. I no longer feared Pyroar in any way. I was tearing down EX's in quick fashion. Virbank + Toxi is 100 damage per full turn it is allowed to stay, and when combined with the 100 dmg Genesect can kill any non M-EX.
I am curious what modifications you would do to this deck? I know my trainers are likely a mess, getting the right balance of them has never been my strong suit. I am also very unsure of the Mewtwo EX, and think it could go for another trainer/toxicroack?
I know maybe this isn't the best deck ever, but I think it's worth pursuing for me, and would love some good input! I played 40~ games so far with a 60% winrate on PTCGO but want to really fine tune this beast!
Thank you all for your time!