ok, so i playtested the above list and found it lacking in several aspects. ive made some of the edits that you guys suggested and included a couple of my own new ideas to perhaps improve my chances with this deck. so here it is, beginning with the pokemon:
-1 Shaymin EX
-2/2 Leafeon
+1 Deoxys EX
+1 Aegislash EX
Deoxys can get my Genesect knockouts after i hit for 70 with a banded virizion, hence its inclusion. Aegislash is the one i wanted to discuss though in depth. I decided to include aegislash because night march destroys this deck, and most people are running pumpkaboo and using DCE's to attack me with. Im not worried about mews, i have a headringer for such instances, so in order to help this deck i thought that aegislash being protected against anything that runs DCE would be vital to improving my matchups. Also stalls fighting decks a little bit by taking away the strong energy bonus, and it attacks for all colorless energy which is a plus imo, even though the attack is fairly expensive and doesnt do much, i can stall and hit for damage that will allow me to follow up with a genesect and force my opponent's hand. I have included new trainers as well to support this strategy, and i will also discuss those as well. Now, onto the energy changes:
-1 plasma energy
this is the only change i made. i was happy with my current energy count and didnt want to remove the plasma energy at all, but i did so for the sake of some of the supporting trainers i included. I will list those now and offer the reasonings behind them.
-1 Skyla
-1 N
-2 Energy Retrieval
-1 Super Scoop Up
+1 Escape Rope
+1 Head Ringer
+1 Tool Retriever
+1 Enhanced Hammer
+3 Mountain Ring
+2 Muscle Band
Band gets me easy KO's with a follow up deoxys/gene combo, escape rope helps my switching capabilities, headringer is to slow down opposing EX cards, tool retriever is in case i get head ringered during a match, E-hammer is to help mostly against night march and landy/bats. The card i really want to discuss here is mountain ring stadium, however. Im gonna catch a lot of flak for including 3 copies of this card and removing genesect's sniping ability, however i have two very valid reasons for including this card in my deck. 1- it slows down golbat/crobat tack damage, 2- it kills of landy sniping ability. I played Landorus/Hawlucha/Crobat 3 times at virginia regionals, and lost all 3 matchups, which ended my record at 4-4-1. This is my worst matchup aside from pyroar, and to be able to contain the sniping damage is very important to me because of how easily my opponents were getting KO's against my side of the field with all the extra tack damage. Yes, im sacrificing the snipe ability, but because of red signal/gbooster, i almost never use megalo cannon anyways, so i can get away with not using the sniping effect. When i do use megalo cannon, its either to apply early pressure or to take out a pesky hawlucha or litleo so i can score an easy KO. I havent tested this list out yet, but mostly because im still searching for space to include a 1-1 beartic to further improve the landorus/bats matchup. i most likely will cut a colress machine and possibly a grass energy in order to do this, however, i may run abomasnow over beartic if i can get my hands on one, as it accepts grass energy in the attack cost and can one-shot landorus instead of leaving it with 20 HP. yes, i could use a band on it, but that defeats the whole point of using deoxys in conjunction with virizion and genesect, so i think i may try to get my hands on an abomasnow instead. Thoughts?