Pokemon: 11
I'm Just now getting into the format so i am wondering what the standard is for this deck. This is my attempt and building a good version. let me know what you think and cards marked with a " * " have an explanation as to why, below this.
* explanations:
Jirachi EX - good for that instant supporter,. especially early
Zekrom NXD - I think it will be good against safeguard pokemon, and being one prize could be helpful against yveltal EX
Ghetsis - so with the addition of VS Seeker and Flare Tools, i think the meta game could be very item heavy. This could be worth it so im going to try it
Enhanced Hammer - with DCE and Strong energies abundant, dont think this can hurt
Escape Rope - with the rise of Donphan decks, i thought instead of having 2 switches, to replace one with an escape rope to help get rid of the safeguard pokemon
3 Virizion EX
2 Genesect EX
2 Manectric EX
2 Mega Manectric EX
1 Jirachi EX*
1 Zekrom NXD*
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
3 Skyla
1 Colress
1 Ghetsis*
1 Shadow Triad
3 Ultra Ball
3 Muscle Band
2 Jamming Net
2 Enhanced Hammer*
2 Manectric Spirit Link
2 VS Seeker
2 Plasma Frigate
1 Switch
1 Energy Switch
1 G-Booster
1 Escape Rope*
1 Tool Retriever
1 Professor's Letter
1 Town Map
8 Grass Energy
3 Lightning Energy
3 Plasma Energy
I'm Just now getting into the format so i am wondering what the standard is for this deck. This is my attempt and building a good version. let me know what you think and cards marked with a " * " have an explanation as to why, below this.
* explanations:
Jirachi EX - good for that instant supporter,. especially early
Zekrom NXD - I think it will be good against safeguard pokemon, and being one prize could be helpful against yveltal EX
Ghetsis - so with the addition of VS Seeker and Flare Tools, i think the meta game could be very item heavy. This could be worth it so im going to try it
Enhanced Hammer - with DCE and Strong energies abundant, dont think this can hurt
Escape Rope - with the rise of Donphan decks, i thought instead of having 2 switches, to replace one with an escape rope to help get rid of the safeguard pokemon