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Virizion EX / Genesect EX


Aspiring Trainer
  • 3 Virizion EX
  • 3 Genesect EX
  • 2 Eevee FF
  • 2 Leafeon PLF
  • 4 Prof Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Skyla
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Shadow Triad
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Team Plasma Ball
  • 2 Switch
  • 2 Energy Switch
  • 2 Super Scoop Up
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Profs Letter
  • 1 Town Map
  • 1 G Booster (ACE-SPEC)
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 1 Frozen City
  • 7 Grass Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy
  • 3 Herbal Energy

Mainly this is a normal Virizion/Genesect, where you set up with Virizion and strike with Genesect. Leafeon is for Suicune and Pyroar, and I use the FF Eevee for the ability.
RE: Virizion/Genesect

I would change the 2 - 2 leafeon line into a 2 - 2 beartic (furious fists) line.
you will exploit better meta weakness, ie pyroar and landorus ex
RE: Virizion/Genesect

What he said. Pyroar is definitely something your decks needs an answer to, and with Leafeon, it can be hard to one shot Pyroar, not to mention they KO Leafeon with ease. Also I wouldn't play lasers. Just because this deck almost doesn't even need them. Emerald Slash with Muscle Band + Megalo Cannon takes care of most EX's and then G Booster can handle everything else.
Emerald Slash can't grab Herbal Energy, so it'd probably be best to turn those into basic Grass.

If you want to use Eevee/Leafeon, you could try running a Vaporeon or two as well, with some water energy and maybe a Deoxys or two, because Vaporeon + Deoxys + Muscle Band will OHKO Pyroar, but I don't think that'd be worth it. Beartic seems much more efficient.