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Virizion EX / Genesect EX


Forum Mod
Pokemon (12):

  • 4 Virizion EX
    3 Genesect EX
    1 Deoxys EX
    2-2 Drifblim DRX
Items (19)/Supporters (15):

  • 4 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 Skyla
    2 Shadow Triad
    1 Colress
    1 Lysandre
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card

    4 Switch
    3 Ultra Ball
    3 Muscle Band
    3 Energy Switch
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    2 VS Seeker
    1 G Booster
    1 Professor's Letter
Energy (14):

  • 10 Grass Energy
    4 Plasma Energy


Regular Virgen. Deoxys EX is there to reach the magical 130 with Muscle Band and Megalo Cannon, Lysandre's Trump Card to recycle the energy, and Drifblim to deal with Pyroar and Fighting decks.
I'm thinking about adding Jirachi EX and switching the Drifblim line for a Leafeon PLF one, as it is a lot easier to get out, and is helpful in many matchups. Suggestions?
RE: Virgen

I like how you took into consideration that running out of Grass Energy can be a problem by adding Trump Card. Though, if you ever run into problems where you end up getting Trump Card prized in a bad situation, you can always consider running 1 more. Also, I find Mr. Mime to be helpful in Mirror matchups, and it's just a generally good counter to threats like Plasma Kyurem, Landorus-EX, and more.
I think a 1-1 Drifblim line is all that's really needed in this deck. Ideaily, you want to blast thourhgh things with G-Booster. Drifblim is a great but situational card that you don't want it clogging you up when you need consistency. A Megaphone or two would also do well here. You don't want Garbodor to lock you out of Red Signal and let your Pokemon get poinsoned by Hypnotoxic Laser.
Thanks guys! Idk about a 2nd LTC, but I'm gonna test another Mime. Also, I'm not sure about a 1-1 line, as you don'twant to G Booster in th match-ups Drifblim covers.
Find it kinda interesting how the first reply tells me to run 2 cz one may get prized, and the next one tells me to run 1-1 XD