Pokemon (12):
Regular Virgen. Deoxys EX is there to reach the magical 130 with Muscle Band and Megalo Cannon, Lysandre's Trump Card to recycle the energy, and Drifblim to deal with Pyroar and Fighting decks.
I'm thinking about adding Jirachi EX and switching the Drifblim line for a Leafeon PLF one, as it is a lot easier to get out, and is helpful in many matchups. Suggestions?
4 Virizion EX
3 Genesect EX
1 Deoxys EX
2-2 Drifblim DRX
4 N
3 Professor Juniper
3 Skyla
2 Shadow Triad
1 Colress
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
4 Switch
3 Ultra Ball
3 Muscle Band
3 Energy Switch
2 Enhanced Hammer
2 VS Seeker
1 G Booster
1 Professor's Letter
10 Grass Energy
4 Plasma Energy
Regular Virgen. Deoxys EX is there to reach the magical 130 with Muscle Band and Megalo Cannon, Lysandre's Trump Card to recycle the energy, and Drifblim to deal with Pyroar and Fighting decks.
I'm thinking about adding Jirachi EX and switching the Drifblim line for a Leafeon PLF one, as it is a lot easier to get out, and is helpful in many matchups. Suggestions?