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Virizion / Lugia / Deoxys


Aspiring Trainer
Experience: Intermediate

ive liked Lugias ability ever since it came out and if this deck is built right
i think i can be very good

Pokemon: 10
  • 2 Deoxys EX
  • 3 Virizion EX
  • 3 Lugia EX
  • 1 Genesect EX
  • 1 Bouffalant
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 2 Colress
  • 2 Shadow Triad
  • 4 Prof Juniper
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 N
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 2 Plasma Ball
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Tool Scraper
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Scramble Switch
Energy: 14
  • 3 DCE
  • 4 Plasma
  • 7 Grass

strategy is simple Virizon Emerald slash to Lugia and finish off with plasma gale
Deoxys is for extra damage

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I'd suggest putting laser bank in here to actually hit those magical numbers, 2 frozen city is okay, but the likely possibility where they play a staduim to not take the dmg is usually what happens. Plasma badge isn't that good of an idea, because you want to save all of your plasma for lugia, and mirror then becoems a problem where you don't want it to be. This deck needs 4 DCE and 7 grass, using virizion for accel is great and all, but hitting speed lugia for the ohko is much more optimal.
4 Lugia is over kill. You really only need 2-3 in a deck. I would drop 1 Lugia for a Genesect EX. also, change one of your N's to a Colress. You will be taking lots of prizes quickly so N isnt most times a helpful supporter like colress is (because you will bench load).
ok here is my updated list

pokemon total 10
1 Genesect ex
1 Bouffalant
2 deoxys ex
3 Virizion ex
3 lugia ex

TSS total 36
2 Virbank city gym
3 Coloress Mc
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Float Stone
2 Plasma Ball
2 Muscle Band
3 Ulta Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Switch
1 Scramble Switch
3 N
4 Proff Juniper
3 skyla
2 Colress
2 Shadow Triad

Energys total 14
7 Grass
4 Plasma
Hi caltick,

Stick with Frozen City. It is the best stadium for this deck. Laser-Bank interferes with Overflow.

Consider this Pokémon line:

2 Bouffalant
3 Virzion Ex
3 Deoxy Ex
3 Lugia Ex

And this trainer line:

2 Shadow Triad
3 Prof. Juniper
3 Shauna
3 Skyla
3 N
1 Scramble Switch
2 Tool Scrapper
4 Colress Maschine
2 Plasma Ball
3 Ultra Ball
3 Muscle Band
3 Switch
3 Frozen City

Hope this provides some assistance.
caltick said:
ok here is my updated list

pokemon total 10
1 Genesect ex
1 Bouffalant
2 deoxys ex
3 Virizion ex
3 lugia ex

TSS total 36
2 Virbank city gym
3 Coloress Mc
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Float Stone
2 Plasma Ball
2 Muscle Band
3 Ulta Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Switch
1 Scramble Switch
3 N
4 Proff Juniper
3 skyla
2 Colress
2 Shadow Triad

Energys total 14
7 Grass
4 Plasma
This is pretty good so far. You could almost run a Lugia/Genesect Hybrid at this point.

My suggestions:
-2 Virbank
-3 Lasers
-1 Lugia
-2 Float

+1 Genesect
+2 Frozen City
+1 DCE or 1 Super Rod (depending on ACE SPEC)
+3 Switch
+1 Deoxys EX

And since you run 2-2 split (Genesect-Lugia), you can use Scramble switch or use a G Booster. Choose DCE if Scramble, Super Rod if G Booster