Currently my IRL Competitive deck. Kinda on a budget with this so no more Leles. Not sure what else to add to this with the new sets but its still pretty good
Pokemon: 15
4x Volcanion EX 26/114
3x Volcanion 25/114
2x Turtonator GX 18/145
1x Tapu Lele GX 60/145
1x Ho-oh GX 21/147
1x Staryu 25/122
1x Starmie 31/108
1x Zorua SM83
1x Zoroark GX SM84
Trainers: 32
4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
3x Ultra Ball
3x Max Elixer
3x Brooklet Hill
2x Choice Band
2x Switch
2x Guzma
2x Professor's Letter
2x Field Blower
1x Lillie
1x Super Rod
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Kiawe
1x Lusamine
Energy: 13
13x Fire Energy
Pokemon: 15
4x Volcanion EX 26/114
3x Volcanion 25/114
2x Turtonator GX 18/145
1x Tapu Lele GX 60/145
1x Ho-oh GX 21/147
1x Staryu 25/122
1x Starmie 31/108
1x Zorua SM83
1x Zoroark GX SM84
Trainers: 32
4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
3x Ultra Ball
3x Max Elixer
3x Brooklet Hill
2x Choice Band
2x Switch
2x Guzma
2x Professor's Letter
2x Field Blower
1x Lillie
1x Super Rod
1x Energy Retrieval
1x Kiawe
1x Lusamine
Energy: 13
13x Fire Energy