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Standard Volcanion/Turtonator semi-budget build (post rotation)


Aspiring Trainer
I know it isnt optimal but I got lucky recently and its all i have to work with atm. I like a more acceleration power up so the 4 EX keeps me from slowing down if i prize 1 or 2. Im also trying to work on getting another Tapu lele but got pretty lucky today so i can at least include 1. There are some notes in here for areas that im not sure on

Pokemon: 15
4x Volcanion EX 26/114
3x Volcanion 25/114
2x Staryu 25/122
2x Starmie 31/108
2x Turtonator GX 18/145
1x Ho-oh GX 21/147
1x Tapu Lele GX 60/145

Trainers: 32
4x N
4x Professor Sycamore
3x Brooklet Hill
3x Ultra Ball
3x Max Elixer
3x Guzma
2x Choice Band/Fighting Fury Belt (not sure which to main at this point in time)
2x Switch
2x Field Blower
2x Professor's Letter
1x Lillie
1x Olympia (I know people just say play 4 guzma but really these 2 fulfill different needs)
1x Kiawe (not sure if i need more than 1 since its pretty much dead mid to late game)
1x Energy Retrieval

13x Fire Energy
if you run staryu/starmie line, then I dont see point of energy retrival
also, i prefer 2 kiawe, just on case 1 in prized ;)
Olympia is bad because it's effect is just not good in comparison to Guzma and without vs seeker you won't have be able to use it often at those clutch moments your thinking of. Also don't use Lillie your ideal first turn supporter is kiawe so Lillie won't help much and is a sub par draw card after first turn