BW/BW2 Vote for your favorite team!

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Togekiss Loves You!

Aspiring Trainer
They go horizontally, but heck, it would be fun to vote vertically as well.
Team A is the one starting with Serperior (horizontally).
Team B is the one starting with Emboar (horizontally).
Team C is the one starting with Samurott (horizontally).

Team 1 will be the team starting with Serperior (vertical).
Team 2 will be the team starting with Archeops (vertical).
And so on.

Also, it would be cool to vote for your least favorite.

Side note, these are my in-games, not competitive, so don't base on a competitive scale. Thanks if you vote!
No Favorite threads. You can post all your team specs in the In-Game Team Rates sticky and ask which team people think is the best as an alternative.


dmaster out.
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