Vs. Taunters: Decks that are Frustrating to Play Against?


aka GdoubleEK
Im not too sure how to put this in a semi decent lighting...

Basically, since I was a kid I tried to get people I knew to play this game, now, some 10-15 years later, theres about 5-7 friends around here that are and I didn't even know about it until just this week.

Downside, they are way ahead of me in terms of cards and decks, and they are the kind of people who LOVE to bash and trash-talk... nonstop.

So after the backstory, here is my question.
As I wait to find and build up a deck to fit my currently unknown play-style...

I would like to have a deck to pull out when ((they start taunting to extreme levels)) who's soul purpose it to annoying the opponent beyond belief...

So my question is,
what is the most annoying or frustrating deck to play against?
RE: Vs. Taunters

If they're continuously trash talking you for owning inferior cards, why should you have to hang out with them? They don't seem like very nice people, the way you described them, and there are plenty of nice people online, heck, on this forum that would be glad to play Pokemon with you... but annoying the crap out of them works, too.

If they're playing decks that are reliant on abilities, Garbodor is very annoying, usually paired with Landorus EX and Mewtwo EX to be as aggressive as possible. Or if there decks are just filled with a bunch of giant EX's, Klinklang will stick it right to em. Zebstrika can also be quite annoying. There's also Sableye with Crushing Hammer and Enhanced Hammer. Garbodor and Klinklang are highly competitive decks, and Sableye is featured in a very popular deck, just not with Hammers. If none of these idea's seem annoying enough, you can just browse PokeBeaches set list for Black & White sets to find the most annoying combo you can.

Annoying decks are some of my favorites, and as you can probably tell, there are plenty to play around with.
RE: Vs. Taunters

A friend of mine plays a deck that uses Garbodor and Sableye, and it's soul purpose is to stall your opponent to death, and prevent them from attacking you at all. He uses Garbodor to lock out abilities, then Sableye with Crushing Hammers to discard your opponents energy, then get the hammers back at the end of your turn. After he drops all of your energy, he sends out a Trubish (#48 from noble victories) and play N Every. Single. Turn. Just to mess with his opponent and make them quit. It's the most fun deck to play ever, and it royally annoys the person unlucky enough to play against it.
Re: Vs. Taunters

A good annoying deck when Freeze comes out is Sableye Dragonite Garbodor. Lead with sableye, hammertime for days until Garbodor and Dragonite are set up, Deafen for days until they rage and quit.
RE: Vs. Taunters

Sableye/Garbodor is definitely probably the most annoying deck currently in the format from the games I've played with it. The games are either short from people scooping or long because you're using Junk Hunt 10+ times a game for Hammers and Lasers and Catchers.

Another fun annoying deck is Durant/Plasma Klinklang. Surprisingly can steal games that it probably shouldn't just because Klinklang isn't a terrible attacker and his Ability is so good against heavy EX decks. Plus, Durant was definitely the most hated deck last year, so that's a plus.

dmaster out.
RE: Vs. Taunters

Im kind of enjoying the Garbodor and Sableye idea,
I may give that one a shot.
Sablelock or Sabledonk would be pretty good if you aren't playing in the current format. Or just play Porydonk (or any broken unlimited deck for that matter) and laugh as you win every single game on turn 1.

For the current format though, Sableye/Garbodor (with Darkrai as an attacker) is probably as frustrating as you can get as long as they're running ability decks.
Gothitelle EP, Crushing Hammer, Celebi EX, Fliptini and the Gothorita that has Deleting Glare. Most annoying deck ever.
Re: RE: Vs. Taunters: Decks that are frustrating to play against?

Infinity said:
Gothitelle EP, Crushing Hammer, Celebi EX, Fliptini and the Gothorita that has Deleting Glare. Most annoying deck ever.

Apparently a Gothitelle Hammers with Celebi and Sigilyph showed up at Ohio states. I thought that was cool.
I second hammer time. That is the deck that gives me the most headaches: the second being Darkrai/Hydreigon/Max potion.

I think Snorlax (block) could be annoying.
Re: RE: Vs. Taunters: Decks that are frustrating to play against?

camoclone said:
Dark Void said:
Unless you flip tails, and honestly some decks don't care much about it anyway.
Don't ask me about Shiftry. I've had "bad" experiences with it.

I had amazing ones.

Shiftry flipping all tails.
Blah said:
Sablelock or Sabledonk would be pretty good if you aren't playing in the current format. Or just play Porydonk (or any broken unlimited deck for that matter) and laugh as you win every single game on turn 1.

For the current format though, Sableye/Garbodor (with Darkrai as an attacker) is probably as frustrating as you can get as long as they're running ability decks.

I'm amazed you didn't say KFV2 (Kingdra Prime/Frillish NXD/Vileplume/Victini)
RogueChomp said:
Blah said:
Sablelock or Sabledonk would be pretty good if you aren't playing in the current format. Or just play Porydonk (or any broken unlimited deck for that matter) and laugh as you win every single game on turn 1.

For the current format though, Sableye/Garbodor (with Darkrai as an attacker) is probably as frustrating as you can get as long as they're running ability decks.

I'm amazed you didn't say KFV2 (Kingdra Prime/Frillish NXD/Vileplume/Victini)

Instead of frillish use articuno ex.
The point of it is to lock them active without dealing damage and to just get damage down via Kingdra. Articuno would KO things too quickly.