1. Ref Rules apply.
2. I live in the U.S. It depends if I send outside of the country.
3. No people who steal and No rippers
Deal of when ever NEW!!!!!!!
More wants NEW!!!!!
4x Rare Candy (RH only) Regulars are welcomed to but it has to be a good offer.
RH stuff (ask) mainly w: stuff like candies, night maint, and cyrus's etc. just ask
Other Wants
Supporters (only want the supporters/trainers) in RH
Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Palmer's Contribution x2
TGI Energy gain
TGI Poketurn
TGI Power Spray
High Wants (Lux.X worthy)
Blue Arceus Carrying case or Green Shaymin Carrying Case
MD Prerelease sleeves
SF Prerelease sleeves
Arceus Winner Deckbox
Shaymin Deck Box
Glaceon/Leafeon Deck Box (Extreme want)
Custom Playmat (pm me for details)
Victory Medals
other Merchandise
oldy collection wants
Blissey EX
Kingdra EX (both Water and Fighting)
Crystal Kingdra
Every holo kingdra and blissey card from all sets
Milotic ex
Wants (Med wants)
Kingdra Sleeves or a Kingdra,Milotic,Starmie Playmat (Dream Want) (This is a high want)
Flygon Lv.X (Want to trade my blaziken FB Lv.X for it really)
JPN Sleeves, Mats(Ultra Ball, Great Ball),
Claydol (lol have 2 of these now)
RH Staple supporters/trainers like TGI inventions and Roseanne's Research (wantXxXxxX of these) Want also the new holo of it when it comes out
Uxie Lv.X (Low want)
Pokemon Playmat (either darkrai or pokeball, great ball or ultra ball) both are fine
Pokemon sleeves:
I need the Majestic dawn prerelease sleeves (Glaceon and Leafeon), Green Shaymin sleeves, Great Encounters prerelease sleeves, Dusknoir (Stormfront Prerelease) sleeves, Pikachu sleeves, and Teal Pokeball sleeves. Every thing must be sealed and mint.
Blue Play mat (if you order 1 for me off ebay I will trade for more than what it is worth)
Current Trades Section NEW!!!!
Will update soon!
Pics (Needs to be updated) will update soon
Flareon Star and Gengar lv.X :
Staraptor X and Garchomp C TIN X:
Lv.Xs and special cards/staples
Flygon Lv.X x2
Luxray GL Lv.X
Uxie lv.X
Garchomp C Lv.X (TIN) (pending)
Tangrowth Lv.X NEW!!!
Machamp Lv.X
Staraptor Lv.X
Blaziken FB lv.X****
Magmortar Lv.X
Electrivire Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X
Alakazam 4 Lv.X NEW!!!
Stuff People would want section NEW!!!
Machamp lv.X
3x Roseanne's Research
Flygon Lv.X x2
Luxray GL lv.X
Uxie lv.X
Blaziken FB Lv.X****
Espeon x3 (MD)
Bebe's Search xXxX (gots tons of these)
Energy pick up RH
Sunny Shore City Gym RH
Cynthia's Guidence RH
Flint's Willpower RH
Sceptile (Leaf supply)
Sceptile x3 (of the other) (1 is RH)
Manetric x2 (1 is RH)
Bench Shield (RH)
Ultimate Zone (RH)
Charmander (RH)*
Wormadam Plant Cloak (RH)
The First Door x4
Department Store Girl x3
Bronzor (RH)
still gotta finish this list.
I have a bunch of common/uncommons. I just put up the most important stuff.
Gastrodon (SW) RH
Walrein x2 (MT)
Milotic (GE)
Poliwrath x3 1 is RH (LA)
Froslass x2 (LA)
Mamoswine RH (LA)
Crawdaunt x2 (LA)
Lumineon x2 (SF)
Milotic C (Theme Deck Holo) (SV)
Phione (attack is Charm 27/100) (MD)
Palkia (w/ lustrous orb 11/100) (MD)
Lapras (GE)
Froslass GL (RR)
Phione x2 (evolution wish 12/100) (MD)
Scizor (SF)
Torterra RH (DP)
Shaymin RH (Sky forme) (PT)
Shedinja x2 1 is RH (LA)
Yanmega (LA)
Yanmega 4 RH (RR)
Roserade (DP)
Victreebel x2 (LA)
Heracross 4 (RR)
Heracross (DP)
Carnivine (DP)
Wormadam x2 (DP)
Parasect (SV)
Beautifly RH (PT)
Carnivine G (promo)
Roserade GL (RR)
Kriketune x2 (PT)
Cherrim RH (SF)
Yanmega (POP series promo)
Buterfree (GE)
Togekiss RH (GE)
Garchomp (MT)
Delcatty (PT)
Porygon-Z (Promo)
Spinda x2 (SV)
Ambipom (MT)
Delcatty x2 1 is RH (LA)
Dragonite (LA)
Lickilicky RH (PT)
Latias (POP series promo)
Aerodactyl (MT)
Lopunny RH (LA)
Staraptor x2 (SF)
Snorlax (RR)
Blissey RH (MT)
Rayquaza x2 (LA)
Furret RH (SW) Near-Mint few smudges
Wigglytuff (GE)
Exploud (SV)
Ditto (GE)
Raichu GL x2 (RR)
Ampharos (PT)
Rotom x2 (MD)
Luxray (LA)
Pachirisu (POP Series Promo)
Electrivire x2 (Both Theme deck Holos) (SW)
Pachirisu (GE)
Gengar RH (SF)
Dustox (PT)
Giratina (Dragonbreath 28/127) (PT)
Espeon 4 (RR)
Mismagius GL x2 1 is RH (RR)
Mismagius RH (DP)
Mismagius (SF)
Drifblim x2 (SF)
Crobat RH (MT) not crobat g
Banette (PT)
Bronzong x5 2 are RH (SF)
Drapion (DP)
Wynaut RH (DP)
Mr.Mime 4 (RR)
Dusknoir (Darkness Mist 17/100) (SF)
Azelf (MT)
Uxie (MT)
Cresselia (GE)
Hypno (GE)
Jynx (SW)
Gengar (DP)
Gallade 4 Theme Deck Holo (RR)
Bronzong 4 (RR)
Alakazam 4 (RR)
Toxicroak G x2 (PT) not promo
Arcanine (RR)
Rapidash (SF)
Rampardos GL (RR)
Primeape (GE)
Sudowoodo (MT)
Lucario (POP Series Promo)
Probopass (LA)
Rhyperior RH (DP)
Mamoswine x2 1 is RH (SF)
Gliscor (theme deck rare) not holo rare
Golem (SW)
Armaldo (LA)
Weavile x2 (DP)
Shiftry RH (RR)
Skuntank (SF)
Houndoom x4, 2 are RH (GE)
Jirachi x3 1 is RH (LA)
Metagross x3 (LA)
Dialga RH (w/ adamant orb) (MD)
Magnezone (Magnetic search <---broken) (SF)
Bastiodon x2 (MT)
Registeel (LA) people seem to want these ?_?
Empoleon (SF)
Magnezone (DP)
Steelix (SF)
Scizor (MD)
Espeon x3 (MD)
Vaporeon x4 (RR) Undevelop
Leafeon x2, 1 is RH (24/100) (MD)
xXxxXxxx Professor Elm's Training Method (these will be unbanned soon )
xXxXXxxXxx Mooo Moo Milk (Same thing with elm's method)
Team Galactic Mars x3
XxxX Life Herb
XxXxxx Special Metal Energy
Rival x3
Amulet coin x3
Level Max
Quick Ball
Cynthia's Guidence RH
Warp Point x3
Lucian's Assignment RH
xXxX Cyclone Energy
Xxxxx Special Dark Energy
xxXxxx Warp Energy
Health Energy
SP Energy
Rainbow Energy
Recover Energy
League Holo Energy (STEEL) x2
Energy Link x3
Professor Oak's Visit x3
Poke Healer + RH
xXxXxx Bebe's Search
Pokeblower + x4
Leftovers x2
XXxXxxX Mom's Kindness
Flint's Willpower x2, 1 is RH
Conductive Quarry x4
Weird Holo Rainbow energy
Sunnyshore city gym x3, 2 are RH
Night Maintnenece x2
Underground Expedition x3
Energy Pickup RH
Fossil Excavator
Marley's request x2
Pokemon contest hall x4
XxxxXX Pokeball
Miasma Valley
Felicitiy's Drawing x2
Bubble Coat
Professor Rowan x4, 1 is RH
TGI Power Spray
Volkner's Philosophy
Dusk Ball x4
TGI Damage Polarizer
xxxXxxX Switch
Pokeradar x3
Reverse holofoils commons and uncommons
Delibird (GE)
Relicanth (GE)
Casterform Rain Forme (LA)
Dewgong (MT)
Pelipper (GE)
Snover (SF)
Krabby (GE)
Quagsire GL x2 (RR)
Buizel (SV)
Lanturn (LA)
Turtwig (DP)
Tropius (RR)
Tropius (MT)
Scyther (MD)
Scyther (SF)
Oddish (LA)
Gloom (LA)
Ninjask x2 (LA)
Leafeon (RR)
Kricketot (MT)
Burmy Sand Cloak (MD)
Wepinbell (LA)
Pinsir (SV)
Exeggcute (MT)
Cacnea (PT)
Scizor 4 (RR)
Spearow (MD)
Fearow (MD)
Zangoose (GE)
Munchlax (RR)
Altaria C (SV)
Snorlax (RR)
Miltank (SF)
Starly (SF)
Staravia x2 (SF)
Staravia (DP)
Gabite (SV)
Glameow (MD)
Jigglypuff (GE)
Dunsparce (PT)
Electrike (MD)
Pichu x2 (SF)
Mareep (SW)
Pinchu (MT)
Chinchou (LA)
Lanturn (LA)
Electrode x2 (SF) Radiance
Electrode (SF) Flash
Misdreavus (DP)
Misdreavus (SF)
Misdreavus (LA)
Roselia (SF)
Drifblim (LA)
Unown W (LA)
Exeggutor (LA)
Croagunk (SV)
Treeko (AR)
Haunter x2 (DP)
Unown U (LA)
Unown V x2 (LA)
Seviper (PT)
Houndour (GE)
Camerupt (LA)
Machop (SF)
Sudowoodo (MD)
Hariyama (GE)
Riolu (PT)
Probopass (PT)
Nosepass (LA)
Rhyhorn (DP)
Gligar (LA)
Mightyena (LA)
Houdour (LA)
Larvitar (SF)
Magnezone (SF)
Skarmory (GE)
Latias EX
Arcanine EX
Politoed EX
1. Ref Rules apply.
2. I live in the U.S. It depends if I send outside of the country.
3. No people who steal and No rippers
Deal of when ever NEW!!!!!!!
More wants NEW!!!!!
4x Rare Candy (RH only) Regulars are welcomed to but it has to be a good offer.
RH stuff (ask) mainly w: stuff like candies, night maint, and cyrus's etc. just ask
Other Wants
Supporters (only want the supporters/trainers) in RH
Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Palmer's Contribution x2
TGI Energy gain
TGI Poketurn
TGI Power Spray
High Wants (Lux.X worthy)
Blue Arceus Carrying case or Green Shaymin Carrying Case
MD Prerelease sleeves
SF Prerelease sleeves
Arceus Winner Deckbox
Shaymin Deck Box
Glaceon/Leafeon Deck Box (Extreme want)
Custom Playmat (pm me for details)
Victory Medals
other Merchandise
oldy collection wants
Blissey EX
Kingdra EX (both Water and Fighting)
Crystal Kingdra
Every holo kingdra and blissey card from all sets
Milotic ex
Wants (Med wants)
Kingdra Sleeves or a Kingdra,Milotic,Starmie Playmat (Dream Want) (This is a high want)
Flygon Lv.X (Want to trade my blaziken FB Lv.X for it really)
JPN Sleeves, Mats(Ultra Ball, Great Ball),
Claydol (lol have 2 of these now)
RH Staple supporters/trainers like TGI inventions and Roseanne's Research (wantXxXxxX of these) Want also the new holo of it when it comes out
Uxie Lv.X (Low want)
Pokemon Playmat (either darkrai or pokeball, great ball or ultra ball) both are fine
Pokemon sleeves:
I need the Majestic dawn prerelease sleeves (Glaceon and Leafeon), Green Shaymin sleeves, Great Encounters prerelease sleeves, Dusknoir (Stormfront Prerelease) sleeves, Pikachu sleeves, and Teal Pokeball sleeves. Every thing must be sealed and mint.
Blue Play mat (if you order 1 for me off ebay I will trade for more than what it is worth)
Current Trades Section NEW!!!!
Will update soon!
Pics (Needs to be updated) will update soon
Flareon Star and Gengar lv.X :
Staraptor X and Garchomp C TIN X:
Lv.Xs and special cards/staples
Flygon Lv.X x2
Luxray GL Lv.X
Uxie lv.X
Garchomp C Lv.X (TIN) (pending)
Tangrowth Lv.X NEW!!!
Machamp Lv.X
Staraptor Lv.X
Blaziken FB lv.X****
Magmortar Lv.X
Electrivire Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X
Alakazam 4 Lv.X NEW!!!
Stuff People would want section NEW!!!
Machamp lv.X
3x Roseanne's Research
Flygon Lv.X x2
Luxray GL lv.X
Uxie lv.X
Blaziken FB Lv.X****
Espeon x3 (MD)
Bebe's Search xXxX (gots tons of these)
Energy pick up RH
Sunny Shore City Gym RH
Cynthia's Guidence RH
Flint's Willpower RH
Sceptile (Leaf supply)
Sceptile x3 (of the other) (1 is RH)
Manetric x2 (1 is RH)
Bench Shield (RH)
Ultimate Zone (RH)
Charmander (RH)*
Wormadam Plant Cloak (RH)
The First Door x4
Department Store Girl x3
Bronzor (RH)
still gotta finish this list.
I have a bunch of common/uncommons. I just put up the most important stuff.
Gastrodon (SW) RH
Walrein x2 (MT)
Milotic (GE)
Poliwrath x3 1 is RH (LA)
Froslass x2 (LA)
Mamoswine RH (LA)
Crawdaunt x2 (LA)
Lumineon x2 (SF)
Milotic C (Theme Deck Holo) (SV)
Phione (attack is Charm 27/100) (MD)
Palkia (w/ lustrous orb 11/100) (MD)
Lapras (GE)
Froslass GL (RR)
Phione x2 (evolution wish 12/100) (MD)
Scizor (SF)
Torterra RH (DP)
Shaymin RH (Sky forme) (PT)
Shedinja x2 1 is RH (LA)
Yanmega (LA)
Yanmega 4 RH (RR)
Roserade (DP)
Victreebel x2 (LA)
Heracross 4 (RR)
Heracross (DP)
Carnivine (DP)
Wormadam x2 (DP)
Parasect (SV)
Beautifly RH (PT)
Carnivine G (promo)
Roserade GL (RR)
Kriketune x2 (PT)
Cherrim RH (SF)
Yanmega (POP series promo)
Buterfree (GE)
Togekiss RH (GE)
Garchomp (MT)
Delcatty (PT)
Porygon-Z (Promo)
Spinda x2 (SV)
Ambipom (MT)
Delcatty x2 1 is RH (LA)
Dragonite (LA)
Lickilicky RH (PT)
Latias (POP series promo)
Aerodactyl (MT)
Lopunny RH (LA)
Staraptor x2 (SF)
Snorlax (RR)
Blissey RH (MT)
Rayquaza x2 (LA)
Furret RH (SW) Near-Mint few smudges
Wigglytuff (GE)
Exploud (SV)
Ditto (GE)
Raichu GL x2 (RR)
Ampharos (PT)
Rotom x2 (MD)
Luxray (LA)
Pachirisu (POP Series Promo)
Electrivire x2 (Both Theme deck Holos) (SW)
Pachirisu (GE)
Gengar RH (SF)
Dustox (PT)
Giratina (Dragonbreath 28/127) (PT)
Espeon 4 (RR)
Mismagius GL x2 1 is RH (RR)
Mismagius RH (DP)
Mismagius (SF)
Drifblim x2 (SF)
Crobat RH (MT) not crobat g
Banette (PT)
Bronzong x5 2 are RH (SF)
Drapion (DP)
Wynaut RH (DP)
Mr.Mime 4 (RR)
Dusknoir (Darkness Mist 17/100) (SF)
Azelf (MT)
Uxie (MT)
Cresselia (GE)
Hypno (GE)
Jynx (SW)
Gengar (DP)
Gallade 4 Theme Deck Holo (RR)
Bronzong 4 (RR)
Alakazam 4 (RR)
Toxicroak G x2 (PT) not promo
Arcanine (RR)
Rapidash (SF)
Rampardos GL (RR)
Primeape (GE)
Sudowoodo (MT)
Lucario (POP Series Promo)
Probopass (LA)
Rhyperior RH (DP)
Mamoswine x2 1 is RH (SF)
Gliscor (theme deck rare) not holo rare
Golem (SW)
Armaldo (LA)
Weavile x2 (DP)
Shiftry RH (RR)
Skuntank (SF)
Houndoom x4, 2 are RH (GE)
Jirachi x3 1 is RH (LA)
Metagross x3 (LA)
Dialga RH (w/ adamant orb) (MD)
Magnezone (Magnetic search <---broken) (SF)
Bastiodon x2 (MT)
Registeel (LA) people seem to want these ?_?
Empoleon (SF)
Magnezone (DP)
Steelix (SF)
Scizor (MD)
Espeon x3 (MD)
Vaporeon x4 (RR) Undevelop
Leafeon x2, 1 is RH (24/100) (MD)
xXxxXxxx Professor Elm's Training Method (these will be unbanned soon )
xXxXXxxXxx Mooo Moo Milk (Same thing with elm's method)
Team Galactic Mars x3
XxxX Life Herb
XxXxxx Special Metal Energy
Rival x3
Amulet coin x3
Level Max
Quick Ball
Cynthia's Guidence RH
Warp Point x3
Lucian's Assignment RH
xXxX Cyclone Energy
Xxxxx Special Dark Energy
xxXxxx Warp Energy
Health Energy
SP Energy
Rainbow Energy
Recover Energy
League Holo Energy (STEEL) x2
Energy Link x3
Professor Oak's Visit x3
Poke Healer + RH
xXxXxx Bebe's Search
Pokeblower + x4
Leftovers x2
XXxXxxX Mom's Kindness
Flint's Willpower x2, 1 is RH
Conductive Quarry x4
Weird Holo Rainbow energy
Sunnyshore city gym x3, 2 are RH
Night Maintnenece x2
Underground Expedition x3
Energy Pickup RH
Fossil Excavator
Marley's request x2
Pokemon contest hall x4
XxxxXX Pokeball
Miasma Valley
Felicitiy's Drawing x2
Bubble Coat
Professor Rowan x4, 1 is RH
TGI Power Spray
Volkner's Philosophy
Dusk Ball x4
TGI Damage Polarizer
xxxXxxX Switch
Pokeradar x3
Reverse holofoils commons and uncommons
Delibird (GE)
Relicanth (GE)
Casterform Rain Forme (LA)
Dewgong (MT)
Pelipper (GE)
Snover (SF)
Krabby (GE)
Quagsire GL x2 (RR)
Buizel (SV)
Lanturn (LA)
Turtwig (DP)
Tropius (RR)
Tropius (MT)
Scyther (MD)
Scyther (SF)
Oddish (LA)
Gloom (LA)
Ninjask x2 (LA)
Leafeon (RR)
Kricketot (MT)
Burmy Sand Cloak (MD)
Wepinbell (LA)
Pinsir (SV)
Exeggcute (MT)
Cacnea (PT)
Scizor 4 (RR)
Spearow (MD)
Fearow (MD)
Zangoose (GE)
Munchlax (RR)
Altaria C (SV)
Snorlax (RR)
Miltank (SF)
Starly (SF)
Staravia x2 (SF)
Staravia (DP)
Gabite (SV)
Glameow (MD)
Jigglypuff (GE)
Dunsparce (PT)
Electrike (MD)
Pichu x2 (SF)
Mareep (SW)
Pinchu (MT)
Chinchou (LA)
Lanturn (LA)
Electrode x2 (SF) Radiance
Electrode (SF) Flash
Misdreavus (DP)
Misdreavus (SF)
Misdreavus (LA)
Roselia (SF)
Drifblim (LA)
Unown W (LA)
Exeggutor (LA)
Croagunk (SV)
Treeko (AR)
Haunter x2 (DP)
Unown U (LA)
Unown V x2 (LA)
Seviper (PT)
Houndour (GE)
Camerupt (LA)
Machop (SF)
Sudowoodo (MD)
Hariyama (GE)
Riolu (PT)
Probopass (PT)
Nosepass (LA)
Rhyhorn (DP)
Gligar (LA)
Mightyena (LA)
Houdour (LA)
Larvitar (SF)
Magnezone (SF)
Skarmory (GE)
Latias EX
Arcanine EX
Politoed EX