Ruling Wally's


The loneliest hobo...
lol, not really, thought I'd get your attention that way. =D

Obviously, we've seen some of the LM combos already with Arcanine ex's amazingness with versitile damage and being a heavy hitter, plus Mew ex's amazing technability, but what about other cards?

I'm considering a deck like ZRE, only Magby instead of Zapdos and using Full Flame. Burn is currently one of the most underused conditions IMO...poss 40 between turns with flame in play will really hurt the opponent.
If I hear the name "Wally" again I'm gonna delete the thread, lol.

Magby is a broken card with FullFlame. It shouldnt be a common since it can do so much damage with so little effect. If you wanted to make a T2 Magby deck, then throw in Scott's, Full Flames, Swoops or anything which can get Magby, Full Flame and 1 energy out 1st turn. It is a cheap way to win since it doesnt involve skill but that's what FullFlame is all about.
:) sorry for the wally:)

There is a lot of deck made from Legend Maker, i want to know, which is the strongest pokemon for playing in future deck? Arcanine EX or Dustox EX deck or magby 1 turn? Or maybe another cards?
Well, it is still depand on the trainers deck list and their prefer strategy. Besides, it is not built a deck with strongest pokemon, but built a deck with strategy with the correctsponding pokemon. If your deck strategy is great, then no metter how strong a pokemon is, you still can beat it.;)
Lapras ex is extremely bad and it's not even legal anyway.

Can we also avoid small converstations inside the threads...
yes it is extremly bad i have a whole page of them in my book but on topic yes ill try to avoid making small conversationin treads