• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Walrein / Whiscash


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 28

  • 2 Lapras XY
    1 Greninja EX
    1 Kyogre EX
    2 Chinchou (PRC)
    1 Lanturn (PRC)
    2 Feebas (PRC)
    1 Milotic (PRC)
    2 Barboach (PRC)
    2 Whiscash (PRC)
    2 Spheal (Ice Ball) (PRC)
    2 Spheal (Ball Roll) (PRC)
    3 Sealeo (PRC)
    2 Walrein (PRC)
    2 Mudkp (PRC)
    2 Marshtomp (PRC)
    1 Swampert (PRC)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 18

  • 2 Energy Retrieval
    1 Shauna
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Evosoda
    1 Teammates
    2 Professor's Letter
    1 Professor Birch's Oobservations
    2 Tierno
    3 Dive Ball
    2 Switch
    2 Rough Seas
Energy: 14

  • 2 Double Colorless Energy
    12 Water Energy


Me and my girlfriend wanted to get back into pokemon after a few years of absence from the game. We put together a few decks and here is one of them.

Basic strategy for the deck is to get either Walrein or Whiscash powered up depending on the opponents deck. Swampert is in for the ability to know what I am drawing for the next turn. Rough seas for the healing effect in case things go wrong. Energy Retrieval and lapras to grab the energy from the discard. The chinchou lanturn line is for decks that are weak to electric, plus they get healed from rough seas. Milotic for the ability to grab a card from the discard, ie.. Dive ball/Tierno/rough seas etc...

Any help is greatly appriciated.
I'd recommend cutting back on some of the Pokemon and Energy to make more room for more draw power:

-2 Lapras
-2 Barbroach
-2 Whiscash
-2 Feebas
-1 Milotic
-2 Water Energy

+4 Professor Sycamore
+2 N
+1 Colress
+3 VS Seeker

You need good draw power in order to be able to get your Pokemon into play and power them up. Since you're wanting to get back into the game, a few staples you should be on the look out for are Sycamore, Ultra Ball, Muscle Band, and Lysandre. Since you're playing Water and DCE, you might as well look at Seismitoad EX.
Thanks for the feedback. I cant get any of the mentioned trainers though, kinda on a budget on stuff. Any other suggestions on what I could add?