BW/BW2 Want All Power Items (4 gen)

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Aspiring Trainer
Hi I'm looking for each power item for 4th gen. I don't care if it's hacked/cloned or whatever! I just really want them for EV training. I would appreciate them being free. Thanks.:D
Spend some time in the Battle Frontier in HGSS, doesn't take that long to get all 6, I did it in about 2 days.
Chariblaze said:
Use the Trade Now thread, stickied at the top of the forum, for simple, one-time trades such as these. Normal threads in this forum are meant for people to post lists of Pokemon they want and have to trade.
dmaster said:

Yeah, battling for the Power items is definitely monotonous, but it's not impossible. You may have better luck finding someone to give you a team to use.
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