well obviously rowlet is a good deck, it just won
EggRow was a fantastic metacall, that said, I think it'll underperform in Portland for two reasons:
- Decks that tend to win a Regional don't repeat the same success at the next one. ZoroToad last format was an exception to this due to its dynamic design.
- Archie's SEVERELY underperforming means that Fire-type decks could EASILY jump back in the format. We have seen Turbo Welder ReshiZard take some top spots in Cups in August and September and then take a backseat for October. But it being able to easily donk an EggRow, as well as make Zoroark decks VERY nervous, it's not out of the question. Especially when Standard players can take the deck and literally add 10 Expanded cards and they are good. To add to that, a Fire Box deck did make day 2 and was featured on stream, so the concept is viable.
another strong deck is turbo dark. it wins the zorocontrol matchup easily.
The Dark box that won second is the deck people are going to flock to. The traditional Turbo Dark didn't do so hot.
Something else is gardeon.
This was a cool metacall. Using Power Plant and the GX attack was nasty to see against those Zoro decks. Apparently, it has a good matchup spread, especially against EggRow (it lost in Top 4 because they Prized BOTH of their only Spritzees in one game and drew bad in the other, IIRC).
Archies is bad, dont play it.
Someone in one of the meta-forecasts said it best, I think it was Kiernan Wagner, "It loses to reasons outside your control. Why play the most luck-based deck in the format when there are other better options?"
I mean, he's right. How many matchups have you heard (when regarding Archies) have gone along the lines of "If Archies wins the coin toss, it's favored". Between the coin toss, the T1 Archies, and Order Pad, and the recent POOR showing at Richmond. I think the proof is there that Archie's isn't able to hang as well as it used to.
Watch, I say this and it gets Top 8 at Portland.