BW/BW2 WANT: Tornadus or Reshiram

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Aspiring Trainer
Looking for a Tornadus or Reshiram (or both)

Have for trade (amongst others)

-any Eeveolution (or an Eevee)
-any starter (all 5 generations)
-Shiny Umbreon
-Shiny Metagross
-Porygon or Porygon-Z
-Larvitar (lv 1)
-Feebas (f)
-Gible (f)
-Heracross (f)
-Snorlax (f)

*(f) = female available

PM me for offers and other details

White FC - 0690 4553 0507
Chariblaze said:
Use the Trade Now thread, stickied at the top of the forum, for simple, one-time trades such as these. Normal threads in this forum are meant for people to post lists of Pokemon they want and have to trade.
dmaster said:

While you have posted what you have, this is still a trade that can be handled with the Trade Now thread. PM me if you think otherwise.
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