Was this worth it for a Binder?

Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer
I just purchased an Arceus: A4 binder

I got it for $18 is that a good price or was I ripped of badly?

LMK thanks :)
Yeh you have to take into consideration I had it shipped from the US, since the UK have no pokemon merchandise at all. Well I guess I did get ripped :(
I bought mine for about 7€ which is, if i'm not wrong, less than 10 dollars, so I'd say you were ripped...
I got mine for about $7 canadian at my local card shop....
$18 is to way to high even if it was shipped.
It's not that bad. IMO it's worth about $12, and they always overprice shipping, so $18 shipped from US-UK isn't too bad. $15-16 would be what I would pay to get it and be shipped overseas, so all in all, it wasn't too much of a rip. (annoying americans that always overprice shipping)