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Ka$h Money

Aspiring Trainer

What this link it should have information on rarer cards than lv Xs
If it's true, it would certainly make an interesting addition. Still, 1 per CASE???? How are they going to test the mechanic if they are so horribly rare?
Yea I don't have volume on my computer, and I didn't quite catch the breaking news. Can someone just tell me what the problem was ...
According to the vid, they are going to add a new mechanic with the next set. IV Valued cards as in the Vid games. With card that have like 10 to 40 more HP then the regular versions for example. However, they would be rarer then the LV.Xs and stuff. He's talking about 1 of those per 6 or something CASES, not boosterboxes. However, when you look at it, it seems more like misprints then an actual game mechanic.
Yeh Im thinking the same, but well will se when the english POTF come out, I think this may become unfair as it will make cards harder to obtain and give you an unfair advantage really, it won't be strategy no more :(
He is just randomly claiming that POTF will have those. Does he have ANY proof at all? No? Then this is all just a bunch of BS.
It probably was a misprint, the only other card game I could think of that did something like this was Digimon, and we all have seen how badly that failed. It would ruin the game, but it would be a decent way to make some money, from the corporations perspective. But then again, a lot of people may abandon pokemon if this actually happens ... Dw it's probably a misprint.
If what he says is true,this is really unfair....the prices of those will skyrocket..Pokemon USA if you are reading this pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee dont do it.
are you kidding! There would never become a negative thing out of this. They might not be playable? They can easy change the rules, there are some not legal cards and why not make these cards non legal if it makes people leave pokemon?

Anyway, i think its cool. There is the same thing in the games, where its like impossible to find a pokemon that have 31 IV in almost every stat except one. if someone (or hacking) find this pokemon, they have the advantage. So, it´s as the same as the games.

There might be more strategy to the game when they make these cards becuse you wont win becuse the pokemon got less weakness and more HP. There might be something else that makes it fair, like less attack or no resistance or something. dunno.
Err. I dunno about this. I'd say we'd see something out of Japan about this before here.

I think what happened here was one guy told another guy a story and then that guy told it again. I don't think this is true.
I'm with Rocket and Lou Cypher. The guy seems to have little to no proof (of course, no proof as far as visuals go), only an abstract theory. :/

And, like Rocket said, we'd see something out of Japan before we saw something here... That's always the case. xD