DPPt/HGSS Water prince2271's My Player Thread

Water prince2271

Togipi King
Welcome to Water prince2271's player thread!


My Friend Code: 034457771709
AIM: none
Contact Time: whenever im on

POKEMON FOR TRADE====================

* Pearl exclusives
* Burmy's
* Squirtle's
* Piplup's
* Chimchar's
* Mewtwo Lv. 71
* Politoed Lv. 50
* Haryiama Lv. 52
* Giratina Lv. 71
* Mismagius Lv.20
* All Fossil pokemon
* Gastrodon (east and west)
* Luvdisc Lv. 33
* Manoswine Lv.45
* Wailmer Lv. 39
* Machamp Lv.36
* Kingdra Lv.47
* Delcatty Lv. 40
* Castform Lv.18
* Vileplume Lv.26
* Jumpluff Lv.27
* Cooming soon Togepi's

POKEMON I WANT=======================

* Any legendary pokemon (excluding Mewtwo and Giratina)
* Starters that I'm not trading
* Just offer something!

ITEMS FOR TRADE======================

* All types of Pokeballs (exluding master balls)
* Honey
* Poison Thorn (I think thats what its called)

ITEMS I WANT=========================

* Deepseascale
* Deepseatooth
* Max Revives
* Master Balls
* Rare Candys


WINS (none)


LOSSES (1 so far)

* Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach

I will be updating from time to time this is not all I have so stay tuned!
i have shiny electrode
would you trade my shiny electrode for your Giratina or a lv. 100 pokemon if you have any?
ill trade you both deepsea items and chimchar for kingdra...will throw in a bagon with hydro pump and dragon dance pm me with your answer...