Yay! My first independent deck that plays and feels viable. I went ahead and ordered all the cards I need for it after some good playtesting on TCGO. It must have been beginners luck as my deck is not performing so well anymore. I'll try keep this short:
After making my deck I looked up some Kingdra decks to see if people were doing the same thing, but it seems like most use the Dragon Vortex attack in their main strategy (Kingdra/Greninja). I think for one energy, Tri Bullet is amazing and puts pressure on your opponent early in the game to see their benched Pokemon crippled before they've even been used. Dragon Vortex is good for taking out an EX in combination with Cofagrigus.
So what do you think? Like all my decks, there is a consistency issue. Not having the right cards at the right time. Not being able to set up Kingdra by my second turn. Not having anything on the bench. And of course there is Mr Mime and Mountain Ring to watch out for (prevents dmg to benched Pokemon). I could add a single Training Center to counter Mountain Ring, but I only have 1 Lysandre if I need to counter a Mr Mime.
4-2-4 Kingdra PLF
2-2 Cofagrigus PLF
1 Keldeo-EX
3 Rare Candy
2 Evosoda
3 Ultra Ball
2 Professors Letter
1 Startling Megaphone
2 Super Potion
1 Scoop Up Cyclone
4 Muscle Band
2 Colress
4 Professor Sycamore
3 Skyla
2 N
1 Lysandre
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Iris
11 Water
Yay! My first independent deck that plays and feels viable. I went ahead and ordered all the cards I need for it after some good playtesting on TCGO. It must have been beginners luck as my deck is not performing so well anymore. I'll try keep this short:
- 4-2-4 Kingdra: Primary focus is the Tri Bullet attack to snipe the bench and deal 30 dmg to 3 Pokemon (50 dmg to active Pokemon with a Muscle Band).
- 2-2 Cofagrigus: A nifty tech, I got the idea from a Plasma Lugia decklist. Six Feet Under ability knocks itself out to place 3 dmg counters on any of opponents Pokemon.
- 1 Keldeo-EX: A backup attacker, mainly included just to have a staple EX in this deck. Since Kingdra is so energy efficient I can attach energy to a benched Keldeo-EX without compromising others.
- 3 Rare Candy/2 Evosoda: This combo seems to work at the moment. Both Kingdra and Cofagrigus benefit from Evosoda since I run 2 Seadra.
- 3 Ultra Ball/2 Professors Letter: Great combination for discarding water energy to fuel Kingdra's other attack, Dragon Vortex.
- 1 Startling Megaphone: Included only because it seems to be a staple in any deck. Self-explanatory.
- 2 Super Potion: Helps keep Kingdra up a little longer, and it doesn't mind discarding an energy to eventually fuel Dragon Vortex.
- 1 Scoop Up Cyclone: ACE SPEC. Very useful. If my active Kingdra is low on HP, I scoop it up and use the cards to evolve another Horsea/Seadra on the bench to be my active, complete with a water energy and Muscle Band.
- 4 Muscle Band: Only affects the active Pokemon but 50 dmg does build up, and it helps push Dragon Vortex to OHKO EX cards.
- 2 Colress/4 Professor Sycamore/2 N/3 Skyla/1 Lysandre/2 Pokemon Fan Club: Pretty self-explanatory.
- 2 Iris: Another nifty tech that people don't see coming. Of course it only works against the active Pokemon, helping to boost Tri Bullet to 70-100 dmg. Cofagrigus/Six Feet Under works in synergy with Iris.
After making my deck I looked up some Kingdra decks to see if people were doing the same thing, but it seems like most use the Dragon Vortex attack in their main strategy (Kingdra/Greninja). I think for one energy, Tri Bullet is amazing and puts pressure on your opponent early in the game to see their benched Pokemon crippled before they've even been used. Dragon Vortex is good for taking out an EX in combination with Cofagrigus.
So what do you think? Like all my decks, there is a consistency issue. Not having the right cards at the right time. Not being able to set up Kingdra by my second turn. Not having anything on the bench. And of course there is Mr Mime and Mountain Ring to watch out for (prevents dmg to benched Pokemon). I could add a single Training Center to counter Mountain Ring, but I only have 1 Lysandre if I need to counter a Mr Mime.