pokemon: 24
2 Mantine HGSS
1 Manaphy MD
2-1-2 Feraligatr prime
2-1-2 Blastoise UL (PL wartortle)
1-1 Abomasnow SF
1-1 Suicune & Entei Legend
2-2 Raikou & Suicune Legend
1-1-1 Glaceon X (RR eevee and glaceon)
Energy: 14
8 Water
2 Warp
T/S/S: 22
3 Indigo Plateau
1 blackbelt
2 Rare Candy
2 Legend Box
2 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxury Ball
2 Poké Radar
2 Pokémon collector
1 Emcee's Chatter
1 Twins
1 Palmer's
1 Fisherman
using pokemon like Manaphy and Mantine to get the pokemon I want/need into my hand if I'm trainer locked. or as a great starter since they're HP is high enough that they're harder to donk.
main attacker will be RSL for a constant 50 and healing of itself. but there is also 3 options for sniping @ 100 damage a turn with blastoise and SEL. Gatr prime's attacks can work well, but he will usually stay on the bench.
Glaceon X is a little difficult to get out at times since I can't use Mantine to get an eevee, but it still usually makes an appearance to kill poke-powers.
should I swap one indigo for a sunyshore city gym? it will help with RSL after a Luxray goes onto the field.
2 Mantine HGSS
1 Manaphy MD
2-1-2 Feraligatr prime
2-1-2 Blastoise UL (PL wartortle)
1-1 Abomasnow SF
1-1 Suicune & Entei Legend
2-2 Raikou & Suicune Legend
1-1-1 Glaceon X (RR eevee and glaceon)
Energy: 14
8 Water
2 Warp
T/S/S: 22
3 Indigo Plateau
1 blackbelt
2 Rare Candy
2 Legend Box
2 Interviewer's Questions
1 Luxury Ball
2 Poké Radar
2 Pokémon collector
1 Emcee's Chatter
1 Twins
1 Palmer's
1 Fisherman
using pokemon like Manaphy and Mantine to get the pokemon I want/need into my hand if I'm trainer locked. or as a great starter since they're HP is high enough that they're harder to donk.
main attacker will be RSL for a constant 50 and healing of itself. but there is also 3 options for sniping @ 100 damage a turn with blastoise and SEL. Gatr prime's attacks can work well, but he will usually stay on the bench.
Glaceon X is a little difficult to get out at times since I can't use Mantine to get an eevee, but it still usually makes an appearance to kill poke-powers.
should I swap one indigo for a sunyshore city gym? it will help with RSL after a Luxray goes onto the field.