Website Question


Aspiring Trainer
Okay I have this huge question to ask anyone that could actually help me! Okay I absolutely love this site, and I was wondering how did this website get started? Another big question is that, did the owner of this site use a special server, or how did the website become so cool? How did the owner make it look nice and neat, and where do all the banners come from, where are they made? I would love to know all this stuff, because I one day dream of having an awesome site just like this one! Please tell me ASAP! thanks![/font]

Oops sorry If I posted this in the wrong section- SORRY!
Yeah, this belongs in Website Feedback, not in the Trading Card Game General Discussion forum. I'll move it.

As for answers to your questions, I'm not sure. All I know is that the Pokémon in the banners on the front page are drawn by me. Before I was chosen to make artwork for the banners, Cascadegonpory made the Pokémon for the banners. (Before that, though, I'm not sure.)
If I recall correctly, the owner of this site started out making a video game cheats site. It eventually grew into all this when he made it into pokemon. I think there is a news story about how it got started somewhere on the main site.
Okay thanks! So does anyone know how he actually made it? Like if he used a free website server or if he actually bought it and everything?
These forums are made with MyBB, which is a forum...maker. The main site is a paid website (domain name makes it obvious) so he does quite a lot for the members.

He made the site... like a site is made, using HTML or just using some other program. IDK where he gets all the info if that's what you mean.
Oh boy where to begin...

Well I was not around at the beginning of the website, but I am 100% positive it didn't start out as a cheat code website, but if memory serves me it started out as a TCG Fanbase. So let's just take a tour of what the site is pretty much built from and answer some of your main questions:

newtorolvr21 said:
So does anyone know how he actually made it? Like if he used a free website server or if he actually bought it and everything?

From what I remember and have heard from people around in the beginning of the website this did in fact start off using a free server. However after popularity picked up and the website views, and members increased quite a bit WPM bought the domain and now we have the main site.

Now for the question of what it's made from:

The main page is currently running Wordpress which is a blogging tool completely customizable using CSS templates and all those other fun languages for websites. Besides using CSS the site also uses HTML, XHTML, and Javascript from what I have noticed.

The forums are running Mybb which is a free forum software which uses PHP, and MySQL. As for core functioning of mybb I suggest you read up on it using the mybb link above.

I am sorry I don't have time to go super in-depth with you but I can answer any other questions you have. :)
Charizard88 said:
Oh boy where to begin...

Well I was not around at the beginning of the website, but I am 100% positive it didn't start out as a cheat code website
I thought it did start out as a gameshark codes website or something. WPM's site history page where he wrote up his whole story vanished when the whole of Pokebeach went boom ... some time ago. I think you were there.
Noobnerd said:
I thought it did start out as a gameshark codes website or something. WPM's site history page where he wrote up his whole story vanished when the whole of Pokebeach went boom ... some time ago. I think you were there.

Your right, because my friend joined the site for the codes and then its turned all pokemon and he left. Then i joined. I dont think i was around beach when he made the change all i remember is just the old school awesome pwning banner we used to have :)
Okay Thanks that helped me out A LOT! Well there is one last question. Where did he get his amazing templates, like how the site looks and how it is set up? I would love to know that thanks!!
Noobnerd said:
I thought it did start out as a gameshark codes website or something. WPM's site history page where he wrote up his whole story vanished when the whole of Pokebeach went boom ... some time ago. I think you were there.

Hmmm...I know I was around in the boom, but I don't think I ever got to read the story. :[

newtorolvr21 said:
Okay Thanks that helped me out A LOT! Well there is one last question. Where did he get his amazing templates, like how the site looks and how it is set up? I would love to know that thanks!!

For everything I am pretty sure it's all custom CSS.