Wednesday, 1/18, React Energy Image, Top 20 Pokemon

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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This update includes the following topics:

1. React Energy from EX Legend Maker
2. Top 20 Pokemon
3. Sign up on the forums or starve to death.

Well, for the top 20 thing, it's a bit of a shame that you can't pick Celebi and stuff. That's pretty much the only pokemon I'd go to get at a download station; I mean, the other pokemon are obtainable enough (unless of course they decide to give out shinys =D which would be awesome).

React energy is pretty plain. It's what was expected. I can't wait to see what decks involving react energy will pop up though, it sounds like a good card, although only useful to the pokemon in Legend Maker, and not much else at the moment.

Sign up to forums - LOL. I shouldn't have joined too early. I'm missing out on a free Imaginary Hot Pocket. Nooooooooo!!!

I didn't expect that React Energy is that simple...
But it nice to use it as a combo since Legend Maker have a lot of cards that need React Energy...
I will try to make a deck from Legend Maker then...
Will Legend Maker Theme deck include this energy??
I really like the cards React Energy works with, but currently there's not many ways to bring back the React Energy, and I feel that will hurt those decks a lot, making them near unplayable because of their horrid late game.
Yeh, that's a definate disadvantage of React energy. There are still other ways like Energy charge, Electrode ex and other pokemon can self attach from the discard pile like Dark Steelix's 1st attack. Still, the best option for it so far is Energy charge.
What about first 20 or so to sign up? Since most of them (inc. me) are from the British Commonwealth, why don't you save some money and...i dunno...send those hot pockets to me. LMK and I'll PM addy. =D

I like the sound of React Energy and Trode ex in an Arcanine ex deck. =D

Note: wouldn't it be logical to vote for Feebas? :D

Cheers, WPM, for another tres good article!
Actually, IMHO Electrode EX is the best way to get back the React Energy and will probably see play with atleast Arcanine EX. It allows you to bring back all 4 react energy and put it on any non-ex pokemon. You might could even play it with Cradily, but I doubt it. Energy Charge is too flippy for me.
I think react energy is an awesome card and it is good for most pokemon EX's
I think react energy is an awesome card and it is good for most pokemon EX's
and I think the gorybiss card is cool too.

TO THE WATER POKEMON MASTER and every one else

I was known as XXSAMUSXX on the other news posting system and on here I
am known as xxashxx. I just have a new name so I don't get mixed up if it get switched in the future. (':)');
yay.. it's an energy. :) how exciting :p totally sarcastic... and that top 20 pokemon thing. hehehe, means nothing to me, i have no chance at getting to one of those things, so i'll leave it up to all those little kiddies who love Pikachu and Charizard and they end up voting for dumb pokemon that are so simple to get... and ruin it for everyone
yeah react energy seems great but i really hope the themed decks are loaded with it (i mean four of em )
many strategies could come from react energy... i really their ideas!
React energy is only Uncommon so it wouldnt be too hard to get. You would easily come across 3-4 at a pre-release. They might put 2 or so in the theme decks but I dont think they'll give you 4.
I actually think it will be a pretty usefull card. Considering how so many Pokemon are given a little extra boost by this guy. ;)
and I still hoping the theme deck will give at least 2 or 3, not 1...
It'll be a pain if I must buy a lot of boosters to get 4 of 'em...
hmm... I never buy online coz I don't know how to do it... /swt
I live in Indonesia, can they deliver it right to my home?

but I've a plan to buy a box, but it's not decided yet what expansion that I should buy, maybe Legend Maker?
RE:  Wednesday, 1/18, React Energy Image, Top 20 Pokemon

MysteryE said:
hmm... I never buy online coz I don't know how to do it... /swt
I live in Indonesia, can they deliver it right to my home?

but I've a plan to buy a box, but it's not decided yet what expansion that I should buy, maybe Legend Maker?

Legend Maker or Unseen Forces would probably be the best boxes to buy IMO at the mo.

1) Great cards in the sets
2) Odds are, you will get at least one EX which you can build a deck around
3) They will be allowed in Modified next year.

Those factors lead me to believe that they would be the best ones to buy.