Weekly Discussion #1 - Dreams


Video Gamer
Advanced Member
Bringing back [mod]bacon[/mod]'s old DotW.
Basically, these are threads that will be posted with different topics to discuss, it's a great way to express your opinions about certain topics and learn more about interesting things.

I figure I'd start with a cool topic that we can all pretty much relate to:
Some example questions to get you started are: What do you think of dreams? Do you believe in prophetic dreams, visions, etc? Do you remember your own dreams or forget them? Do you dream often, or very rarely? Do you have any interesting dreams or stories about dreams?

Share your thoughts and enjoy! I'll post my own thoughts later on.

If you have any idea for future topics, PM me - or leave a profile comment.
oh look inception topic

I believe most of the déjà vu moments I get are dreams I don't remember. I also used to have recurring dreams a lot, but now the only time I get the same dream (which is more of a nightmare) is when I'm sick. There are several that I have, but my least favorite would be one where a large red ball bounces around in a white box. Every time the ball hits an edge, it splits into two. And it just goes on and on and on and on. There's even a little scoreboard thingy keeping track of how many balls there are. Then eventually they start forming back together, and when there's one ball left I wake up in a cold sweat and all my muscles are tensed together and the weirdest feeling is just going through my body. I know it sounds really stupid, but it sucks going through it.
Hahaha, story time. ^.^

Middle of night. I woke up, scared. I had just thought of a "nightmare", and I just knew it was going to be in my dreams. My mother said don't worry, so I fell asleep. And you know what happened?

I had the dream, this time more clearly. o_O

I also had another at the same time for a strange reason. All those just to make me scared for 2-3 months. *shudders*
The dreams were about the world dying, or something. :(

I also had a strange dream when I was younger. I was sleeping in my mother's bed, and I had a dream that a monster was carrying me to my bedroom. And then I was in my bed!
I rarely ever remember my dreams once I wake up. If I do, I forget within 10 minutes. I don't really have any strange dreams, most of them are just really random and change setting very often. I do have a re-occuring nightmare that I get usually once a year ever since I was 5. It really freaked me out way back then, and even how much more older I am, it still always freaks me out.

if somehow you remember your dreams, those are usually signs you are not getting enough REM sleep.

however, once entering REM sleep, you are in a deep sleep and usually do not remember dreams from that point on.

just a little tidbit of science for you guys. heh
Yeah, ^ that is true. I'm a heavy sleeper, so I usually never remember my dreams. But if I wake up an then fall back asleep again, I dream.
safariblade said:
Yeah, ^ that is true. I'm a heavy sleeper, so I usually never remember my dreams. But if I wake up an then fall back asleep again, I dream.
haha, i know its true friend, my wife has her BSN. she is a RN (nurse). :p

she told me this as i spoke to her about not remembering dreams and she explained it to me. heh
Dreams :/ ohgosh where to begin? Well my latest weird dream was like a week ago and I know I haven't been getting enough deep sleep lately. Basically it was the end of the world and everyone knew it. There was a Toys R Us without much stuff in it I think they took everything out so people wouldn't steal which didn't make much sense. I was by an electronic store which left an outside display and I think there were lots of people by it. I stole two phones that were apparently connected for my friend and I. I was at my church and there were hundreds of people stuffed in the middle school center. Even though the world was ending we went on as normal with our games an stuff and we had a dance party xD I was seriously scared that people would come on the stage and start grinding or worse because the world seemed very corrupt and I wasn't sure I they came in. My two other best friends were there and they had gotten phones like me. It was a strange dream and kinda religious so I thought it was really weird.
safariblade said:
Yeah, ^ that is true. I'm a heavy sleeper, so I usually never remember my dreams. But if I wake up an then fall back asleep again, I dream.

Same for me. I remember last weekend I went to sleep at 2 AM I woke up at around 9 AM, but went back to sleep. Then woke up at 10 AM and went back to sleep (then woke up again at 11 AM). I had two dreams between 9-10 and 10-11, but from 2-9 I didn't remember any dreams.
I used to have a ton of a dreams I could remember and some caused deja vu later on in my day. A lot of my dreams were all related to things that were stuck in my head such as problems or social things. But, since I started high school I can't seem to remember a SINGLE dream I've had and didn't really notice till I finally was able to recall one I had last week about this girl.
I had a dream last night about getting Skyward Sword, and I'm planning on getting it tonight at midnight at Target. Its weird how some things work. Even though the game probably won't be on sale, my family wants to knock out everything in one trip, which is why I didn't get it earlier.
I never remember my dreams, but theres one that I get a few times a year that I'v been having since I was young.
There's like loads of babies falling from the sky into a bath, and I'm one of them that rockets down extremely fast. I hit the floor, then I wake up. weird...
I remember them when I wake up, but often forget them shortly afterwards.
My most vivid have to be chase nightmares and dreams where a place I know is distorted (new floors, or something significant happens there).
I usually forget them. :/

Let's face it, we've all had one about safariblade. <3
Last night I had a dream I was in 8th grade again and dmaster was my teacher! 0_o Also there was a bunch of weird things going on, like this: I had my cards with me and I forgot them at school, but didn't realize it until after my dad picked me and my brother up, so my dad turned the car around to go back to the school, but the doors were locked and the principal was the only person who had the key, so after a while of begging to have my cards back before the janitor threw them away, my dad got tired and went home, so the only people left were me, my brother, dmaster, and the principal. The principal went home and I was freaking out because I thought I was never going to see my cards again. Luckily for me, dmaster was a nice teacher so me and my brother hopped in his car and chased after the principal at 100 MPH and eventually we caught up to him and we all went back to school and I got my cards. I don't remember much after that but I think I woke up a few minutes after I got my cards back.

EDIT: Also dmaster was wearing one of the suits that Light wears in Death Note. (the beige one with the red necktie)
Any one ever experience lucid dreaming? Where you can control your dreams. I haven't. I saw this post on tumblr, that I am posting below, and found it interesting. I haven't tried it, but I might. It probably won't work, but who knows?


Another question, any one ever experience sleep paralysis? I think I may have expect it was when I was napping, not deep sleeping, which makes me unsure. But what I was napping on the couch but I was still somewhat conscious, and I realized I couldn't move. And at that point I seemed to wake up mentally, but my eyes were still shut and I couldn't move my body. It really freaked me out. But then I took a moment to just settle down and then opened my eyes, just like that. I thought maybe it was a dream, but my thought process was way to clear, and I knew I was asleep and knew exactly where I was. It was really weird...
Lucid dreaming is pretty cool. I've heard that it can help you work out problems you have going on in your daily life and stuff. I've always wanted to try it, but I always forget to realize that I'm dreaming once I actually am dreaming. I might try that tumblr advice thing you posted.
Chief Zavala said:
if somehow you remember your dreams, those are usually signs you are not getting enough REM sleep.

however, once entering REM sleep, you are in a deep sleep and usually do not remember dreams from that point on.

just a little tidbit of science for you guys. heh

I'm a heavy sleeper and I remember all of my dreams. :0

I still remember dreams from when I was around 6. And I have dreams on regular daily bases. Anyways, dreams I quite interesting in my opinion, they definitely make you think of things you would never think of or do. At least for me, I have strange dreams. However, I never have nightmares.

Yesterday I had a dream about some creeper in a wheelchair wearing a Frankenstein mask chasing me and some random skateboarding guy.
Shampoo Thief said:
Any one ever experience lucid dreaming? Where you can control your dreams. I haven't. I saw this post on tumblr, that I am posting below, and found it interesting. I haven't tried it, but I might. It probably won't work, but who knows?


Another question, any one ever experience sleep paralysis? I think I may have expect it was when I was napping, not deep sleeping, which makes me unsure. But what I was napping on the couch but I was still somewhat conscious, and I realized I couldn't move. And at that point I seemed to wake up mentally, but my eyes were still shut and I couldn't move my body. It really freaked me out. But then I took a moment to just settle down and then opened my eyes, just like that. I thought maybe it was a dream, but my thought process was way to clear, and I knew I was asleep and knew exactly where I was. It was really weird...

Yeah, sleep paralysis. Thats what I was trying to explain with my first post about that recurring nightmare thing.

I'll also try out the lucid dreaming thing tonight if I remember.
I also tried it last night. But that didn't work, even through I I didn't move anything. I moved my eyes a few times, but it still didn't work. I was still able to move when I thought I couldn't move. I moved my arm. I wasn't lucid dreaming.

It said for 20 to thirty mintues, but I don't think I really went past that. Oh, well. I can try it later. :)