Pokemon Weird Evolutions

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Remoraid --> Octillery
Snorunt --> Yukimenoko
Clamperl --> Huntail/Gorebyss

I use to find these ones a little bit strange before:
Whismur --> Loudred
Shuppet --> Banette
Gastly --> Haunter
I would have to say the weirdest evolution in my mid would be Umbreon/ Espeon in the new D/P games, isn't there no night or day time settings? How will it work?
Yea they are and not only just day and night, morning, noon, after noon, dusk, and night hehe, it going to be awesome
Action said:
Yea they are and not only just day and night, morning, noon, after noon, dusk, and night hehe, it going to be awesome
it is awsome, only past midnight is really dark, but, you can still see everything, escecially on a DS lite, DS is a bit darker...

anyhow, I also wanted to point out that this is going way too offtopic XF

anyhow, strange evos:
psyduck -> golduck, color change, not that strange, but, ah, well
gloom -> bellosem bello is just too cute for gloom, and doesn't look anything like it (unlike vileplume, who is still way too cute for gloom, but does look like it)
the whole lotad line is also very strange...
same for seedot, actually
slakoth -> vigoroth -> slaking that's lazy -> overactive -> lazy, vigtoroth doesn't belong there, somehow :s
Remoraid -----------> Octillery [How fish become octopus ??]
Clamperl ----------> Gorebyss , Huntail [How pearl oyster become deep sea fish ??]
Trapinch -----------> Vibrava [-*-]
I agree with the bellosom thing. In fact, Bellosom looks like a basic now I think about it :/

Geodude is odd, it starts with two arms, grows an extra pair, and loses them again.
I think that voltorb is weird too. The only change is that it switches the colors on it's body. It seems a little disapointing.
I agree with the magikarp > gyarados, feebas > milotic, clamperl > huntail, clamperl > gorrebyss, gloom > bellossom and remoraid > octillery
anyway Poliwhirl > Politoed is normal
tadpole into frog that normal right
I agree with cute-mew!  {^_^} Oh,and hi im kind of new to this forum!
The Magikarp one is actually based on an old Japanese legend, so it's not THAT weird if you think about it.

I find the Dusclops line a bit weird with the D/P addition. Grows legs and then loses them, like what the heck?
the wierd ones:

duskull-dusclops-yakihawru(how do u spell it?)
Remoraid -> Octillery, the weirdest for me...
Lombre -> Ludicolo, this one looks childish, Ludicolo looks like Spongebob's house...
The weirdest one besides Octillery one:
gloom -> bellosem
If you look in a Pokedex Bellessom is smaller then Gloom. Bellossom has a million differences then Gloom. Like a better small, looks better, since when do you randomly start to grows leaves?
This duo is overlooked and diffently the wierdest evolution line, EVER!!!
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