Weird/funny things your opponent has done during a battle.

Brave Vesperia

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This is a thread for talking about weird/funny things your opponent has done during a battle, for example: He got nervous and bit one of his cards! Something like that. I'll start. One time one of my opponents at a BRs last year was playing Gothitelle/Reuniclus, he played EXTREMELY fast, so fast you could hear a snap when he layed his cards down. My aunt also played against him and she had to tell him to slow down because she couldn't keep up with his movements. XD
During a battle at a prerelease, My opponent got all nervous and started battling his neighbor with Pokedolls. I believe it was a deerling against two Pikachus. It was funny.
A guy who goes to events around my area has the tendency to shuffle his opponent's deck, which isn't an issue, but he tends to shuffle REAKIN HARD I MEAN SERIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE SLAM THEM TOGETHER DUDE. He's ripped two of my friend's sleeves during a tournament and almost ripped some of mine.
EonEye99 said:
A guy who goes to events around my area has the tendency to shuffle his opponent's deck, which isn't an issue, but he tends to shuffle REAKIN HARD I MEAN SERIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE SLAM THEM TOGETHER DUDE. He's ripped two of my friend's sleeves during a tournament and almost ripped some of mine.

If someone handled my cards like that, I would crush their hands. (not like in a "YOUR NEVER GONNA USE YOUR HANDS AGAIN!" kind of way, but more so just to let him know to keep his hands off of my stuff)
It didn't happen to me, but in my brother's game at a pre-release the opponent forgot to put out their prize cards. Assuming his opponent would not needed to be checked on this, it wasn't until he had to draw a prize they both realized there wasn't any to draw! Oops.