You masterfully drew a picture of Camoclone fit for a children's book. He is:
You are
Daryan Crescend and you are aligned with
Betty’s Murderers. You were involved with Betty’s murder knowing that Larry would be framed and Wright would be his attorney. Wright is Apollo Justice’s boss, so if you can stop him, then maybe you can leave Apollo without a job.
Active Ability: Rockin’ Detective
Even though you’re no longer a detective, that doesn’t mean you can’t look for evidence. Once a night, you may PM me the name of a player. You will examine them for clues and find a piece of evidence that is part of their role. If their role has more than 1 kind of evidence, will decide which piece of evidence you’ll find. You will be told what their piece of evidence does.
Evidence: Borginian Cocoon
This was the reason you’re in jail and for some reason you have it with you again. However, you’re not going to let it get caught again, so you’ve hidden it. If anyone would attempt to look into your role for evidence, they’ll find evidence that corresponds with your safe claim.
Win Condition: Outnumber everyone aligned with
The Law at the start of the day