What about an eeveelutions deck?


Ultimate fail!!
Here's my suggested pokemon line:

4 Eevee
3 Leafeon RR
1 Leafeon Lv X
1 Umbreon (Prime)
3 Espeon (Prime)
1 Umbreon UL
2 Uxie
2 Uxie Lv X

What do you think? With a good supporter backup I think it could work. Umbreon to wall UL to wall, Espeon prime to use Leafeon Lv. X's attacks, Uxie for drawer power.
I don't think I see where you are going with the deck idea because your line up is a bit strange. Since Espeon Prime needs the required energy to use any attack from any eevee-lution it would make no sense to run 3 different types of eevee because you could really be scrapping for energies. Secondly, I think relying on Leafon X to do attack damage may not be the best choice because set up can be a pain when dealing with multiple evolutions. I would recommend using just Espeons (Prime, UD, and MD) because it has much more strength in the line up (Prime can use the attacks of UD and MD as well get an additional +20hp). Having an Umbreon UD in there could be a tech for pokemon like Donphan prime or Charizard.
Please post the links to the cards. I'm sick of editing each of these threads' posts.

For one, you have way too many Espeon Prime. Where's the Espeon and Umbreon from MD? Add those as well. You also have no need for two Uxie LV.X. Drop one for an Unown Q.