What are some bad decks in Pokemon TCG (Game Boy version)


Aspiring Trainer
Why hello there.
A few days ago I've been challenged to make a Let's Play of Pokemon TCG, so basically this means that I try to show off all the little aspects of the game, make videos of it and throw it on Youtube.

The final thing I want to show is the Elite Four + Ronald, but I want it to be as humiliating as possible for them, because the AI is so bad. I already decided on the deck vs. Ronald (Slowpoke Removal Stall) but I'd like some suggestions for decks from the Base-Fossil era that generally suck, troll or are hilarious in another way, which I then might use in my Let's Play against the Elite Four.
RE: Pokemon TCG (Gameboy version)

I played Cursegar in mine, which back then was considered pretty terrible. Not on the level of "slowpoke deck" bad, mind you...

Another playthrough I did used a Golduck deck to energy lock everything. 4 removal, 4 SER, psyduck locks trainers, golduck locks energies.

Since your opponent doesn't draw for a mulligan, play 4-6 insanity or something? :p
RE: Pokemon TCG (Gameboy version)

Aerodactyl lockup could work pretty well, especially against Rod and maybe Courtney (not so much against the middle two as they use a LOT of basics). One fun deck I tried was using the GB-exclusive Eeveelutions (the ones with only {C} attack cost), along with Fossil Dragonite, which imo is a greatly underrated card.
RE: Pokemon TCG (Gameboy version)

Eeveelutions, Golduck and Cursegar all sound good, but Aerodactyl locking is just cruel. Their decks already suck, it's not fair to make them face an actually good deck.
I haven't tried Dragonite yet, sounds good though.
RE: Pokemon TCG (Gameboy version)

Dragonite basically nullifies any and all special conditions against you, just so long as you have a benched Dragonite (so if you have 2 in play you're set). It's DCE compatible, got 100 HP, and its attack can hit up to 80, which is not bad at all.
RE: Pokemon TCG (Gameboy version)

Thanks for all the feedback! In the end, I went with Charmander and Friends for the Elite Four, and Slowpoke with a single Aerodactyl in it for Ronald, it worked nicely.
You can check the result at my Youtube channel: