Ruling What are the oldest cards I can use?


Aspiring Trainer
I haven't played for awhile, and I have never played in a regional tournament. I was wondering what is the oldest set I can legally use cards from? Thank you for your time.
You can use some base set cards that have been recently reprinted (Revive, Pluspower stuff like that). But if you mean full sets, then the oldest is Heartgold Soulsilver.
You can use some base set cards that have been recently reprinted (Revive, Pluspower stuff like that).
But if a card has been reprinted and the effect has changed since the last printing (Revive and PlusPower are both examples of that, actually), then you can use the older ones, BUT if you do, you must have a current reference card (of the most recent printing) outside of your deck.

To see what I mean, look at the Base Set printings of Revive, PlusPower, and Potion. Now look at the Black and White printings of those same cards. The effects are notably different!