I'm going to get a booster box but I'm not sure witch one to get, I'm kinda leaning twards RR because it has Luxray GL Lv.X and alot of Lv.X's witch (correct me if I'm wrong) increaces the chances of me getting a Lv.X in a pack, so I get more Lv.X's overall. But on the other hand, I'd be happy getting any Lv.X from SV, but in say RR cards like Hippodon Lv.X and Mismagius Lv.X don't seem that good to me. In PL I could get both Dialga G Lv.X, Palkia G Lv.X, and some nice trainers, but other then that the set doesn't have that many good cards. (Beside Shuppet witch I would need for the deck I'm building, but I can get them online) And in Arceus I really just don't see that many good Lv.X's, mainly just Gengar Lv.X and Salamance Lv.X.
So what box should I get?
So what box should I get?