what card is the most confusing?

i dont know about older cards then the ex series, only since then im playing (with a 1.5 year quitting for school). i dont really know any card i dont understand, most of the time it are confusing game moments. but i played someone at nationals which needed to read my ariados 3 times every turn!! Its just a lot of text and small lettertype.
Andyman said:
Tyrogue UF. You bascially have to read it twice or three times to understand it.

lets see it's like this... you only have tyrouge on play and your opponent has 5 bench and 1 active its just 6-1 = 5 x 10 = 50 ^^ get it?
RE:   what card is the most confusing?

kravenace said:
Andyman said:
Tyrogue UF. You bascially have to read it twice or three times to understand it.

lets see it's like this... you only have tyrouge on play and your opponent has 5 bench and 1 active its just 6-1 = 5 x 10 = 50 ^^ get it?
whaaaa??? 0_o i don't get it. It's still confusing too me. to me it's gotta be, mareep UF. :D

Arcanine out.
UF Mareep... aw, man. What a stumper. I think we're going to need four or five judges and an updated Compendium, stat!

Tyrogue is pretty simple to explain. Here's how you figure out the damage:

1. Count the total number of your opponent's Pokémon in play. For the sake of example, call this "value A".

2. Count the total number of YOUR Pokémon in play. Again, for the sake of example, we'll call this "value B".

3. Do the equation "value A minus value B". If your answer is 0 or a negative number, your attack does no damage.

4. If your answer is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, multiply it by 10. This is your attack damage.

Example one:

I have UF Tyrogue in the Active spot. I also have Venusaur ex, FRLG Dodrio, and Gyarados * on my Bench. My opponent has a Base Set Weedle in the Active spot, and has no other Pokémon. I attack with Desperate Punch:

1. value A = 1 (Weedle only)
2. value B = 4 (Tyrogue, Venusaur ex, Dodrio, Gyarados *)
3. value A minus value B: 1 - 4 = -3
4. Answer is a negative number; Desperate Punch does no damage.

Example two:

I have UF Tyrogue in the Active spot. This is the only Pokémon I have in play. My opponent has EM Treecko in the Active spot, and has Fossil Ditto, LM Mew ex, Shining Tyranitar, Sabrina's Hypno, and a Clefairy Doll on his bench. I attack with Desperate Punch:

1. value A = 6 (Treecko, Ditto, Mew ex, Shining Tyranitar, Sabrina's Hypno, Clefairy Doll)
2. value B = 4 (Tyrogue only)
3. value A minus value B: 6 - 1 = 5
4. Answer is a positive number; multiply answer by 10. Desperate Punch does 50 damage.

Apply Weakness and Resistance accordingly.
whoa dude those decks SUCK!!! who in there right mind, besides n00bs would even play that? but anyway thanx for clearing that up for us. and yes Mareep UF is the hardest to figure out card IN THE FRICKIN GAME!!! okay?

Arcanine out.
Well, of course they're terrible. It's for the sake of example, so I figured I may as well have some fun with it. Hope you got a laugh out of it as I did.