If you could make any card you wanted what card would you make? Please state attacks, hp, abilities, type, and name.
I would make a Charizard EX 190 Hp fire type
Inferno Collector {C}: search your deck for 2 fire energies and attach them to Charizard EX.
Flame Burst 1 fire energy 70 damage does 20 damage to one of your benched Pokemon.
Ultimate Blast 4 Fire energies 160 damage
I would make a Charizard EX 190 Hp fire type
Inferno Collector {C}: search your deck for 2 fire energies and attach them to Charizard EX.
Flame Burst 1 fire energy 70 damage does 20 damage to one of your benched Pokemon.
Ultimate Blast 4 Fire energies 160 damage