every new set that is about to appear, or for which spoilers appeared are said to have ultra powerful cards, they are supposed to break the format, but when they get released, people realize that they aren't really good, like now again T-tar ex d seemed to be broken when we saw a spoiler, but now it's almost the weakest ex in DF, same thing happened to sceptile ex, which was said to break the format, delcatty ex, Crawdaunt ex, dustox ex, arcanine ex and flygon ex, while the exact opposite happened to mew ex, which nobody liked months ago, it even got compared with lapras ex

, look where it's now, it's part of the worlds-winning deck, this is just to show that almost all the recently released cards are overrated, like you can see just by looking up, all the cards mentioned are from DF
also, a lot of trainer cards get overrated, like now, island hermit was said to be supreme, but forget that

, it's nowhere near the best draw card