What cards should be in a Gyarados deck?

Does Gyarados stand a Chance in todays Meta?

  • Of Course!

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • It depends on the build.

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • No way.

    Votes: 1 3.1%

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Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
I'm trying to build a Gyarados Deck and would like to know what cards should be in it. I know of the following:

Regice LA (1)
4-3 Gyarados
a few junk arms (1-2)
3 Volkners
4 Sableye
1-1 Luxray X
1 Azelf
2 Uxie

What other cards should be in a Gyarados deck, and how many?

Sorry if this is in the wrong area.
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Rescue (or 3 Rescue Energy or somewhere inbetween)
1 Regice LA (can't always rely on Volkner's and Junk Arm to get karps into the discard pile especially early game)
3 Broken Time-Space
4 Super Scoop Up
1 Combee SF (essentially a pokemon rescue in pokemon forme)
1 Azelf LA (incase is prized karps)
1/2 Crobat G
2/3 Bebe's (for Trainer Lock)
2/3 Seeker
3/4 Poke Turn
1 Luxury Ball
3 Rescue Energy
3/4 Warp Energy (combos beautifully with Seeker and Luxray).

dmaster out.
They are not good in this deck, you can't play a Junk Arm if there is no trainer in the discard pile, and its not searchable with Sableye.
3 Collector? I certainly don't want my Magikarp donked.

Max Rescue Energy. You can't search for them anyways, and you won't recover quite as well otherwise.

More Seeker. I like early game extra Uxie and many turns of scooping up.

I found Staraptor FB being really nice to get out in here. We pull out Hunter right when we need him, plus it gives us other goodness, like letting you play Twins a bit more safely. It's still totally optional.

SSU is hot. It lets you play garbage like Junk Arm. It also lets you save a few Hunter.

Rescue Energy is a terrible card for Gyarados, it is only if that Pokemon is knocked out by attacks.
Ever tried to knock out a Gyarados without using Attack Damage? It takes forever. Which means more turns of free 90 dmg from G-dos :)
What are you talking about? Fainting Spell Heads, its knocked out, can't bring it back.
Fainting spell is pretty easy to get around with gyarados, just keep an uxie with an energy on the bench, do 90, then warp and psychic restore. I did this under trainer lock, so don't tell me its that hard.
Minimidget and I are on the same page. I was just thinking about how to word exactly what he stated as I read the fainting spell comment.
Why don't you use any registeel? I guy at my battle road ran it and won. Maybe it is not a good as rigiice, but it still discards 2 magikarp. Pokemon collector should be ran because you use p-collector and then you discard all of the magikarp with regiice and registeel's abilities.
You don't need both. And if you really think you need 2, just run 2 regice. Although, I beat someone at BR's because they played registeel as well as regice, so I could bright look and trap them both.
Okay. We have a fainting spell problem. All you've gotta do is not attach Expert Belt [which, under trainer lock, you probably won't] to Gyarados so when it dies, it doesn't hurt as much. I guess using and reusing Combee won't work. Why are we considering Trainers named Pokemon Rescue as a safe way out versus gengar, anyways?

Also, what about those times when you aren't facing Gengar? When will Gyarados die from effects? And when it does, why won't Combee work just fine?

VileGar is a big big problem. I beat a Gyarados at league with VileGar, it was tough though (we both had a prize left). I'd say Fainting spell is half of the pain, then trainer lock is the other half. If only Gengar didn't have Fainting Spell (I disagree if I'm playing VileGar though).
So, anyone know how to beat VileGar with Gyarados?
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