What cards will own Legends Awakened Discussion

TCC Co-Founder

Bzzz...you just got magnetized
What cards do you think will dominate Legends Awakened?
I think:
Rhypierior Lv. X
Deoxys Normal
Deoxys Attack
Deoxys Defense
Giritina [sure thing in PR]
Rayquaza [sure thing in PR]
Regigigas (slow start) [sure thing in PR]
Magnezone Lv. X (w/ Electrivire SW, Parylis every turn w/ a little luck)
Buck's Training
Claw Fossil
Poke-radar (replacing Dusk/Master ball)
Tech Machine 1
Snowpoint Temple
These are all Jap DP5 cards. Please post your predictions.

Those will probably be some of the decks we'll be kicking next season off with.

T2Pixies may also see some play, but it is slow...

Gliscor is the ulimate special conditioner. It can do 80 damage for 2 Energy fairly easily.
The two I'm looking foward to:
Snowpoint Temple

Magnezone LVX
Poli- lines
Gliscor LVX
Heatran LVX

That is a vast assumption that we even get these. I could see us not seeing Giratina or Heatran... and getting Mewtwo Mesprit, Azelf and Uxie for Level Xs. WAKE UP, DIE LEGENDEN
^There's no reason for us not to get all the cards in this pack. As MD has covered every card that we've missed. PLUS- we already know Heatran and Regigigas exist in America. Now, the pack AFTER this, with Shaymin, there we could not get some cards.

-Gliscor (seriously it owns. And for no energy a free Super scoop up!)
-Kingrda, personal favorite poke of mine.
-Magnezone, w/ Electiver SW.

Just to name a few. This pack is so good! And if someone is original, they can tech in Grumpig. Ultra confussiiiooon
mewtwo Lv.X, its just tath is so underrated.....but it wont be long. youll be pwned by this card as soon as it gets out, and every body will go: "oh, im gonna make a deck around it!"
If they print those darned Pixies in Legends Awakened, and they don't print Mewtwo Lvl. X as well, I am quitting.

200 damage a turn with no counter. (Except for Milotic... But AMU can stop that easily...)
Wow I can't believe I'm the only one to see this. Azelf(Thats right a pixie). Searching your discard for that Lv.X thats prized=Godly. Kindra is a bit over hyped. How are going to find a way to do 70+ damage each turn? Mewtwo Lv.X= Ultimate deck of total pwnage.
The "Pixies" deck with Mesprit and the gang will be interesting to play against, and SUPER expensive to make. I'm guessing 2 of each basic and 2 of each X. Reveal Ball!!! Premier Ball!!!
P.S. That's 6 X's in 1 deck. $120-150!
TCC Co-Founder said:
The "Pixies" deck with Mesprit and the gang will be interesting to play against, and SUPER expensive to make. I'm guessing 2 of each basic and 2 of each X. Reveal Ball!! Premier Ball!!
P.S. That's 6 X's in 1 deck. $120-150!

Err... How do you get that extra energy attachment in the turn? Reveal! Leafeon Lvl. X! That's 8 Lvl X.'s. And then you might get the odd smart cookie that wants to run a tech Mewtwo Lvl. X...


It's going to be one expensive deck.
Legends Awakened is going to be crazy! What is there not to love about the set? Hundreds of possibilities will be available to us, and we will get the variety we need. Definitly cannot wait for this set. More On Topic- I am looking forward to just about every card.
lol. that will be fun to play!
if you play the previous pixies and lv.xs, you will attack for 200, up thier attack cost, free retreat and no weakness! it will surely be fun.
but mewtwo lv.x will render it completely useless.
heatran lv.x will be great for fire discarders, like both apes and magmortar lv.x. also blaziken.
poli gang looks like fun, if you can get the right setup, you will get 120 for 1 energy!
Hmmm.....what will the Pixy X's go for on ebay? The deck would only be good if you had 2 of each X in the deck (avoiding Prizing) and since when the set first comes out X's or 40-50...$300? Lol, and they are only good if you have ALL of them...interesting.

And Snowpoint Temple will be something we see at the PR. I want a supporter that:
When you plce this card in your dsicard pile (after setting it by your active poke) discard any stadium in play. Not bad if you had a Snowpoint or Speed Stadium and you got everything you need. Probably a 1 per deck kinda card.