what cards would be useful in a supreme victors prerelease?

is supreme victors a good set ?

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Aspiring Trainer
parasect has a sturdy amount of hp in draft
nutritional support for 1 C you can chose up to 2 grass energies from deck and attach them anyway you want
parasect second attack for GGC does 40 damage and put them asleep but here`s the twist they must flip 2 coins in order to wake up and if their both not heads they can`t wake up
Staraptor FB Lv.X (if you get it.) He can pull out some supporters and stuff, if you get any.

Spinda as well. With him, just find add in a whole bunch of energies and have a happy time discarding your opponents energy.

Chatot G is worth mentioning. Since you really can't get draw power in a Prerelease, you really are depending what you can top deck. Chatot G just totally screws that up. Plus, if you get a trainer, you can search your deck for it and shuffle Chatot G back into the deck. I'm sure one of those choices will be Poke Ball, as it looks like it is in the main set.
Primape would be good since prerelease decks are usually over half pokemon. Especially if you get a chatot G or two.
Relicanth has Amnesia, which tends to wreck Prereleases.
A lot of SP cards will be good.
Honchkrow would OHKO the entire prerelease.
Masquerain is something else I would like to note. For just one energy, you do 30 damage and draw two cards from your deck. Like I said before, unless you are lucky in the PR's your best source of draw is what you can draw at the beginning of your turn. Masquerin helps like crazy at that point. Plus, his Poke Body works against any Pokemon that struggles to do damage.
Garchomp C X will be good in SP decks where the Pokemon have free or little retreat. Garchomp will be beastly if someone manages to get it out. And, like said before, Chatot G is awesome as well.
Masquerain, Shedinja, Ninjask.

Ninjask spreads and then retreats to either one of the two. Shedinja stops Pokepower/Body users and Masquerain reduces by 20. Next turn you can retreat back to Ninjask and either 10 Spread again or you can use the other attack and heal the Masquerain.
Feebas. If it is your active pokemon at the start, you should get two turns out of it before it dies. As someone said, decks are mostly pokemon, so You'l have 2-3 benched pokemon. 6 extra cards will have your bench setup.

And if anyone gets a blaziken X and Blaziken, it's almost an auto win. 120/Turn if the opponent is burned.
Aww, somebody beat me to this. T_T

In a prerelease, 1 turn can mean the difference between a win and a loss. Endure deals decent damage and can let you survive for an extra turn. Stab Through can donk your opponent if you're lucky.

This thing has synergy with itself. And it has synergy with Plusle. 'nuff said.

Awesome Poke-Power. It also can poison and paralyze in the same attack. Awesome.

The top card of your opponent's deck may be bad, but you can deal some serious damage with Primeape's first attack.

40 for 1 energy on an Uncommon in Limited? I'll take it!

Skarmory FB
Has decent HP for a basic, so it can take a hit. Silver Wing can be a nice disrupting attack.

T1: Turn Around and Stand By.
T2: Swallow.

Half decent attack, but fantastic power in Limited.

Dragonite FB
This set has a ton of Pokemon-SP, so Mach Blow can OHKO or 2HKO all of them.

Chatot G
Awesome disrupting Power and a good attack.

Healing for nothing is awesome. Preventing a retreat is even more awesome.

Lickilicky C
Double the Energy each turn? Drawing and decent damage in a single attack? This is easily the best Common in this set.

Charizard G
It's flippy, but its first attack can be deadly.
Yeah, I forgot about Honchkrow. It's really a beast in a tournament full os basics.
Problem with Honchkrow is that it should be a rare card, making it slightly harder to get. Plus, 3 energy. In a prerelease, that can be a little bad, but if you do manage to get 3 on Honchkrow then you have a good PR deck.
yah, im hoping to pull at least 1 seaking and a few masquerains, as well as ninjasks. looking for a deck like this:

6-4 Ninjask
2-2 Masquerain
0-2 Shedinja
1-1 Seaking
2 Blaziken FB

that way, i got all major bases covered, and maybe, if i pull this luck sack, i may be able to win! =D
Actually, I though the normal rule of only 4 copies in the deck doesn't apply in a Prerelease or Draft. I might be mistaken, but I remember that being the case.

dmaster out.