What deck in the Platinum Series are SP's most afraid of?


I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
I would really like to know this. But, the deck has to be workable using only Platinum Series cards. (From PL, RR, SV, or AR.) So, what do you guys think?
Garchomp SV (To a degree) seeing as SP decks are renowned for there small requirement of energy, and Garchomp does hit hard against low energy decks.
X_empoleon_X said:
Garchomp SV (To a degree) seeing as SP decks are renowned for there small requirement of energy, and Garchomp does hit hard against low energy decks.

Yes, but without Rare Candy can it be fast enough?
I would say other sp decks using promocroak and ambipom and just a bunch of popular sp counters
CyndaquilMaster said:
You have Spiritomb in there also so stage 2 decks are pretty good in PL-AR, Garchomp could be good.

Hmm.... This is also true. I suppose Garchomp could work, then.
Would shuppet combined with a mime wall work? garchomp and luxray cant hit mime
EDIT: nvm luxray can just bright look mime and mr mime isnt in the platinum series
Ironically, one of the best counters to SP is SP itself, IMO...so I'd say decks like LuxChomp work best.
Machamp loses claydol. This means that it loses its ability to effectively run a second line-up of pokemon to compliment its weakness to EVERYTHING NOT NAMED SP.

Machamp will be nothing more than a suicide deck. Take out as many SP decks as possible before ultimately failing.

Theoretically if you can survive the first few rounds you're on easy-street to top-cut, but come top-cut your reign of terror will likely end when you meet up against something like Gyarados.
minimidget94 said:
*shudders* playing machamp against anything non-SP would make me cry.

Edited. ;)

Machamp will only be good vs. SP IMO. Just like it really always was haha.

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
Edited. ;)

Machamp will only be good vs. SP IMO. Just like it really always was haha.

dmaster out.

The thing is that Flygon, and Gengar at least made other match ups feasible. Losing Claydol, and as such the ability to run other lines to compliment its weaknesses and the ability to effectively compete against anything remotely competitive that isn't SP, AMU, or god-forbid, Heymaker.