What deck should I play for BRs(Please vote in poll)

What deck should I play for BRs

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leafeon lord89

The Blazing Fire
Which deck should I play for BRs.

Galactic Toolbox

Pokemon: 20
( All are G)
4x Houndoom
2x Weavile
4x Honcho
4x Skuntank
4x Crobat
2x Toxicroak

Energy: 13
4x Special Dark
5x Dark
3x Pstchic

Trainers: 27
4x Cyrus
2x Great Ball
2x Lake Boundary
1x Snowpoint Temple
4x Poketurn
4x Pluspower
2x Galactic HQ
4x Energy Gain
4x Power Spray

Classic swarm strategy.

Garchomp Rouge

3x POP 9 Gible
1x Gabite
1x POP 9 Garchomp
2x Garchomp MT
1x Garchomp X
2x Rampardos PT
1-1 Banette PT
2 Beautifly PT
1x Leafeon X
2-2 Claydol
1 Bronzong MD
2 Kingdra
2 Unknown G

5x of Grass
2x Fighting
3x Water
3x Lightning
3x Fire
3x Psychic


4x Felecity's
4x googleeane's
2x Marley's
2x Bebe's
3x Rare Candy
2x Premier Ball

Try and get Garchomp Claydol and Bronzong as fast as possible to start restoring. Then retreat for other attackers that are restored. Leafeon is to speed up energy. Then send up rainbow scale garchomp to finish.

So just say which deck you think would be better for BR's.Please vote in the poll.

PS: There is no chance of me getting RR cards.
ThePokemonDude said:
I'd say Toolbox, but they both need help
Post them in the Deck Geradge

Well, based on the poll I'm thinking garchomp. Also, I Once something gets 6 votes I'm picking that and posting that one in the deck garage so that I don't think my cards are limited.

Edit: I'll do it after school because I don't have time now.
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