What Deck To Make For My Bro?


Mommy, I lol'ed my pants...
I've been having the problem that I can't play enough lately. There are no leagues or anything near where I live so the only chance I get to play is when there is a POP event or when my bro will play me, both are rare.
My bro knows how to play just fine and he's good too, but he never wants to play me. I made him a Speedrill deck because it's fun and he like playing with Steven Silversto's deck, but now he's saying I made it for him just so I could own him with my Shuppet Donk deck. I thought about making him a Machamp deck, but then he'd say I made it because now he has weakness to me.
What's a really fun deck that destroys the metagame that's simple enough for an 8 year old? Hopefully if he uses a fun deck he'll like the game more and want to play more.


P.S. I thought about SP, but it might have to think too many turns ahead for an 8 year old.

My 2 cents...

I think you did right with the Beedrill deck... that would be my suggestion.

There's also SF Scizor (add Shaymin LvX for HP or Cherrim for an extra punch or PA Cherrim for more protection)

Throw in an Expert Belt or two and you've got a solid Junior deck.

Then... don't play your Shuppet deck against him... use whatever else you have laying around...
^^Actually, when shuppet deck smacks into like a Landmin/belted Scizor, scizor's cute little body activates, lowering the damage output by 60!. Which is fantastic against a shuppet deck, that is basically the attack, the belt, and a plus power, all nulled away. He can then accelerate(using like cherrims+belt) to KO a stall, giving him full immunity. Provided he thinks ahead. Shuppet should still easily win the match but if he thinks about it it may be tough just cause of his massive HP that he will have coupled with his damage resistance.