What decks did you face at states?

Arceus, Magnezone, Glistomb, Luxchomp, Flygon/Rhypherior/Nidoqueen (lol, don't ask), Gyarados, and another Luxchomp.
I was playing Garchomp SV and faced Nidoqueen/Donphan, Gengar, Plox, Charizard, LuxChomp, and Jumpluff.

R1 Gengar: Won
R2 Plox: Won
R3 Nidoqueen/Donphan: Won
R4 LuxChomp: Lost
R5 LuxChomp: Lost
R6 Charizard: Won
R7 Jumpluff: Won

Top 16
vs same Plox:
Lost 1st game,
Time was called during 2nd game when I was up 3 prizes to 5. It was counted as incomplete, so I was given a loss.
I played Mother Cursegar and Faced

Jumpluff/blissey - W

Gyarados/Luxray Sp - L

LuxChomp - L

Mirror - W

Gyarados/Uxie - W

Blazeray - W

David Cohen's Luxchomp etc (amazing), that was a big L
Florida Masters: I saw these decks:
dialga G/Garchomp C
I faced, in this order:
Arceus, Gyarados, Shuppet, Luxchomp, FlySnow, Gechamp, Luxchomp, Luxchomp.
Ended 4th at the states where I faced these.
I faced these in Florida Masters Swiss, playing Gyarados:

Charizard/Typhlosion/Ninetales (Won)
Blastcatty with Feraligatr (Won)
Gyarados W/Luxray Tech (Won)
Luxray/Garchomp (Won) (Sorry, Benji!)
Sableye/Honchkrow G (Lost)(Trust me, this is evil... and it was Steven Silvestro playing it!)
Blastcatty with Feraligatr (Won)
Sableye/Honchkrow G (Lost)(Really, I'm not joking!)

In tops:

Garchomp SV (The stage 2 one. Awesome!) (Won)
Gyarados W/Luxray Tech (Sableye donked! Ow!)
i played garchomp/salamence and faced:

gyarados (harrison leven) -Win
gyarados (idr) -Win
blazeray (vinny ?) -Win
blazeray (brad ?) -Win
luxchomp (orion craig) -Loss
gardevoir gallade (cory rice) -Win
jumpluff (idr) -Loss (donked =\)

overall 5-2 with a deck everyone said had no chance of even working...guess I showed you all wrong. =)
my deck was unofficially voted the most rouge out of all those in top cut by about 10/16 people.
Aaron disagreed, but sadly, because he was running the same list as Stephen, meaning 2 of the same deck,
made his not as rouge as mine. =]

I made it to top cuts and lost to aaron curry (playing the same list as stephen silvestro) and both games I
started with only 1 basic. 1st game he crobat g'd + 3 ssu, then attached a dce to garchomp c and claw
swiped for the win. 2nd game he used flash bite then overconfident for the win...gay, I know lol.
R1- Flyphan
R2- Plox
R3- Flytrap
R4- Armaldo
R5- Cursegar
R6- Luxchomp

~Top cut~

R1- Luxape
R2- Cursegar
R3- Jumpluff
Ontario Provincials I faced :

1. Riachu / Typhlosion (won)
2. Glistomb /Dusknoir (won)
3. Garchomp SV (Lost)
4. Shuppet / Dunsparce (won)
5. Plox (won)
6. Plox (won)
7. LuxChomp (Won)

top 16 : Garchomp SV (won)
top 8 : Plox (won)
top 4 : Flychamp (lost)

I played Plox and placed 4th.
1st Round: Meganium Prime (Win)
2nd Round: Lady Gaga (Win)
3rd Round: Random Grass (Win)
4th Round: Cursegar (Loss)
5th Round: Jumpluff (Win)
T4: Glistomb (Loss In Sudden Death *Cry*)

Next week the trophy will be half the number and double the size!