What decks do you find annoying and why?

Blake Kiefer

Aspiring Trainer
Okay, my friend has a normal deck with huge EXs (lugia, darkari, 2 others, and another) 2 catchers, a sableye, float stones, some kind of pink thing that absorbs 20 damage, double colorless cards, 4 plasma, etc. Yeah its annoying and he can wipe me out in 2-4 turns. So I ask you all WHAT IS THE MOST ANNOYING AND FRUSTRATING deck I can play against him. I don't care if I win or lose. Just long enough to make him pull his hair out. I'm quiet new to Pokemon cuz I just started playing again after 16 years. If so could u guys gimme a list of cards so I can go buy them straight away and some awesome annoying combos. Thank you:)
RE: most annoying deck

Well... Durant NVI is pretty annoying. The idea is to use Durant's attack Devour and discard a maximum of 4 cards per turn. It sucks.
RE: most annoying deck

I hear Quad Snorlax is a pain and a half.
RE: most annoying deck

I'm agreeing with DNA. Quad Snorlax will annoy the living crap out of Darkrai!


You pretty much run 4 Snorlax and 56 Items/Supporters/Stadiums. I'll give you my list because I can't think of a skeleton list.

4 Snorlax PS
-------------- 4 Pokemon
1 Dowsing Machine PS
4 Hypnotoxic Laser PS
1 Revive BW
4 Pokemon Catcher EP
4 Crushing Hammer EP
4 Enhanced Hammer DE
4 Heavy Ball ND
4 Max Potion EP
2 Potion BW
2 Full Heal BW
2 Tool Scrapper DEX
4 Skyla BC
4 Professor Juniper DE
4 Shadow Triad PF
4 Ghetsis PF
2 Cheren EP
2 Virbank City Gym
------------------------ 56 T/S/S/

The strategy is to trap your opponent with Snorlax's Block Ability and play Hypnotoxic Laser with VIrbank while they slowly die from Poison. A bunch of consistency cards and disruption cards are included to help keep the deck going.
RE: most annoying deck

Klingklang/Durant. It is SOOO annoying, it's an INDESTRUCTIBLE MILL. it's like normal Durant , which is annoying enough, but after 2-3 turns they can use max potion freely with energy movement and it becomes EX proof.

EDIT: omahanime said super short answers will be considered spam... So maybe not nuff said. There I fixed it.
RE: most annoying deck

After Plasma Blast Jirachi/Keldeo would be fun. Jirachi's attack puts your opponent and Jirachi to sleep then you can rush in/retreat and do it again :D
RE: most annoying deck

QuadLax is good. Or, if you're playing unlimited and just want to annoy him, PoryDonk him >_< - he won't even get a chance to pull out his fancy Lugias.

RE: most annoying deck

Pokewiz1999 said:
After Plasma Blast Jirachi/Keldeo would be fun. Jirachi's attack puts your opponent and Jirachi to sleep then you can rush in/retreat and do it again :D
I hope this is a bad joke...
RE: most annoying deck

Teal said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
After Plasma Blast Jirachi/Keldeo would be fun. Jirachi's attack puts your opponent and Jirachi to sleep then you can rush in/retreat and do it again :D
I hope this is a bad joke...

I thought it up as just a league fun deck
RE: most annoying deck

Pokewiz1999 said:
Teal said:
I hope this is a bad joke...

I thought it up as just a league fun deck
I don't see how it's fun to attack twice with a 90HP EX and lose in three to five turns.
RE: most annoying deck

Sableye hammers. Ahhh sooooo frustrating! And then he just so happens to have confuse ray too. I hate Sableye!

Snorlax isn't that annoying to me, but just tiring cause it can go on and on.
RE: most annoying deck

Teal said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I thought it up as just a league fun deck
I don't see how it's fun to attack twice with a 90HP EX and lose in three to five turns.

It's just for fun... Geez it's not like a serious tourney deck it's just to make the opponent mad. >_>
RE: most annoying deck

Pokewiz1999 said:
Teal said:
I don't see how it's fun to attack twice with a 90HP EX and lose in three to five turns.

It's just for fun... Geez it's not like a serious tourney deck it's just to make the opponent mad. >_>
The point is that it will make the player mad, not the opponent.
RE: most annoying deck

Teal said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
It's just for fun... Geez it's not like a serious tourney deck it's just to make the opponent mad. >_>
The point is that it will make the player mad, not the opponent.

Why am I even arguing about this.
RE: most annoying deck

TokyoToots said:
Klingklang/Durant. Nuff said.

When posting, please post more than just a deck name. Explain why you feel that way. Very short answers will be considered spam and warned.
The deck that's beating me.

But seriously ReshiBoar is epic why does everyone hate that deck. Maybe it's because I'm an lolsenior.
Pokemon: 15
1 Mew EX (Dragons Exalted)
3 Durant (Noble Victories)
1 Exeggutor (Legends Awakened)
2 Exeggcute (Plasma Freeze)
1 Sableye (Dark Explorers)
1 Murkrow (Neo Genesis)
2 Azelf (Legends Awakened)
2 Uxie (Legends Awakened)
1 Chatot [G] (Supreme Victors)
1 Unown [Q] (Majestic Dawn)

Trainers: 41
1 Mr. Briney's Compassion
1 Broken Time-Space
1 Power Tree
1 Luxury Ball
3 Level Ball
1 Pokemon Trader
4 Computer Search
4 Poke Drawer +
4 Item Finder
4 Junk Arm
4 Scoop Up
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Energy Removal
2 Professor Oak
2 Pokemon Retriever
1 Cessation Crystal
1 Imposter Oak's Revenge
2 Lass
1 Gust of Wind

Energy: 4
2 Basic Darkness Energy
2 Basic Metal Energy

It's Unlimited, so for some, it may be difficult to get the cards. As far as interacting with the opponent goes, this controls pretty much the entire game, and your opponent kinda sits there for a while.

Darkrai Hammers.

I groaned just typing that. I just have such terrible luck against it (heads everytime!) and combining that with slowing my game down makes me grown once again before finishing THIS post.
PoryDonk is the most annoying (not really annoying just boring) to play against if you want to go oppa unlimited style